Chapter Five

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She had to survive, no matter what.

That was the only thing on Ruelle's mind as she kept running down the hallway. She could have left, but she had to find Eloise first.

Geography class, El had mentioned that she was having geography that day and it was down the hall.

Ruelle, sprinted towards that direction, ignoring the sounds of screams coming from outside. She was the only one in the hallway as most people had already escaped or were hiding.

They were most definitely dead but she didn't want to think about that.

She released a breath when she saw the classroom in front of her and she slowed down. She made a silent prayer as she held the door handle.

"Please, let my sister be alive." She whispered as she twisted it and entered into the class.

Blood, blood was everywhere. She took in a breath and shook as she looked at the dead bodies on the floor. She made a move to walk into the classroom but she tripped over an obstacle and she fell on the floor.

"Shit!" She winced as she looked down to see what had made her fall.

She grimaced when she saw that it was the lifeless body of a girl. The girls mouth was open as though she had died screaming and her eyes looked lifeless. Blood smeared her clothe and her dress was torn all over.

Ruelle, covered her mouth to push back the naesouness, she wasn't going to throw up now. She also pushed back her tears and stood up slowly. She had to find her sister.

She walked further into the classroom, inspecting the dead bodies and praying as she neared each one that none of them would be her sister's. She released a breath when she failed to find her sister's body.

"Thank God." She whispered. But, she felt guilty after she said that. How could she be happy that other people had died?

Tears, rolled down her cheeks slowly. She was grateful her sister wasn't dead but every dead person, was someone's sibling, lover, enemy, family and friend.

Ruelle turned around and ran out of the class, careful enough not to step on any person. She didn't have the luxury of time to cry or mourn any person, she had to find her sister first. Then, get out if this hell of a town, if they survived.

If they survived.

Where would she have gone to? Think, think! This school was just too big but that also meant many hiding spots. El, had to be in one of them.

She was about to give up when she thought of the toilet. Why hadn't she thought of that. She turned to the left and ran towards the restroom. If she didn't find her there, she was ready to search every nook and cranny of the school if she had to.

Ruelle entered the door leading to the female's toilet and began to look from stall to stall. She tried her best to be quiet and not call El's name in other to prevent being spotted by the attackers.

She was about to give up when she got to the last stall and opened it. On the floor, sat a girl, sleeping, wearing a pair of shorts and a blue top.

Ruelle's face, brightened up when she saw it was El. She bent down in front of her and shook her knees. Only Eloise, would sleep in such situation.

"Wake up El." She said hurriedly.

Eloise, opened her eyes slowly and her green eyes watered as though she cried herself to sleep.
"Rue, I'm not dead?" She gasped.

"Not yet but we will if we don't get out of here. How did you even fall asleep?"

Eloise, rubbed her eyes and sat up. "I was here when the attack begun so I just remained here."

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