Chapter Three

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"So when were you planning to tell me that you're moving?"

Ruelle, smiled awkwardly as she placed her tea cup on the table and tried to avoid answering the question as much as she could. She looked up, and stared into the eyes of her closet friend and boyfriend, James.

She pushed back a strand of her hair behind her ear and blushed. "I was going to tell you soon enough."

"You were?"

"Most definitely."

He titled his head and frowned at her, looking both pissed and annoyed. "So tell me why I had to hear it from El not to mention that you've been ignoring my calls? I'm even suprised you agreed to come to this cafe with me."

Ruelle bit her lips, stoping herself from cussing loudly. Why had Eloise, meddled in a business that obviously wasn't her concern. She scoffed as she thought of her sister's mischievous face, she obviously did it for the thrill.

"I'm sorry, but a lot has been going on right now so-"

He raised his hand, cutting her off. "A lot? By a lot you mean that you're transferring, moving to another state entirely and possibly cutting off contact with me?"

Yes! Every inch of her body wanted to shout in affirmation. It wasn't as though he was lying about anything. That was exactly what she had planned to do, to walk away like she always did.

"It's complicated Jamie."

"Then make it uncomplicated."

Ruelle, remained silent as she battled within herself. Should she tell him the truth, or should she lie? Which would hurt him less? Obviously the lie but it would give him hope, and she didn't want that.

Ruelle looked at the guy that she has been dating for the past 2 years and smiled sadly. How was she ever going to tell him that she never loved him, that it was merely a thing of convenience?

He had been there for her, comforted her and helped her but yet, she still saw him as nothing but a friend. How was she ever going to tell him that she, had only agreed to date him out of pity and inexperience?

The truth, she was going to tell him the truth.

Ruelle, bowed down her head and gripped the edges of her sweater. "I'm sorry." She said awkwardly. She was a coward and, couldn't bear to look him in the eyes.

"Fuck, Ruelle don't do this-"

"Forgive me-"

"Just stop."

"It's for the best."

James, released a scream, like an animal caught in a trap and he slammed his hands on the table, drawing attention from everyone in the cafe to them.

"What the fuck Ruelle!"

Ruelle, looked up, pushing down the building anger. "Calm down, you're drawing unnecessary attention."

"Unnecessary attention? What do you possibly mean?! You treat me like this and expect me to be calm?"

"Just calm down."

"I'm fucking calm!!"

"Shut up for a second James and stop being a child! Calm down and let's talk like adults. Not because I tolerate a lot of things, means that I'll be a pushover or gives you the right to be rude!" Ruelle, bursted out with a stern voice and though she were scolding a child.

James, looked at her in the eyes and when he realized that he had already lost her, he sat back and closed his eyes. "you're breaking up with me aren't you?"

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