Chapter 35 - Closed Cases

Start from the beginning

In the same time while Captain Pitch's wounds were taken care of by the Doc, Captain Hawk made his way to his wife, along with Starla, who was excited to see her mother again.

"Mother!" Starla shouted in joy, once she spotted her while she was standing in the corridor outside their sleeping-quarters, patiently awaiting for their return. She rushed over to her to hug her mother tightly. Moon was also relieved to have her family return safely.

"I'm so glad you guys are alright." She said in relief and let go of the tight hug of her daughter to look at her husband.

"It was for sure... and also quite the unexpected adventure. Although, I rather want to forget about the underground prison we had to stay in for quite some time." The cyan bean noticed on Hawk's visor that he was indeed disgusted about the mere thought of it and didn't ask further.

"That's understandable, my honey. Come inside our quarters, I could make you two some warm cacao and tea. And... my darlings, I believe you two should also take a shower." That was for sure an advice Moon gave to her family once she caught a whiff of the dirt, mud and other odors that had built up during their adventures.

"Alright, my strawberry. We probably should." Before Hawk went into their shared quarter, the purple father gave a quick kiss on Moon's forehead. Starla followed behind him and went inside.

Inside the quarters that belonged to Hawk and his family, Moon had already prepared the mentioned drinks for her family. Once they cleaned themselves and both sat gently down on the modern couch, there was one burning question which Moon couldn't let go of:

"I hope that Saros is also alright, is he?" She asked gently and handed the drinks over to Starla and Hawk and put them on a table.

"Well, Saros was behaving weird as he and Pitch came down to calm Ashton's mind." The purple father explained to his wife.

"Yeah", Starla joined in. "I think they... kind of had a nasty argument with each other."

To hear that made Moon even more concerned about the wizards well-being. Very well knowing that there might be something going on between Pitch and Saros. She remembered the short conversation she had with the wizard earlier. She had to know what it was. Maybe she should visit Saros and ask him?

"Do you possibly know where Saros went, at this moment?" Moon was asking her husband but Hawk shook his head.

"I'm sorry my dear. We only saw that he teleported to an unknown place. But, you could search for him using the ship's internal scanners." He reminded her about the scanners which Moon almost forgot about.

She was thankful for that reminder. "The scanners, of course. If you don't mind, I'd check up on our wizard, alright? I'll be back shortly."

Hawk understood although he could care less about how the wizard was doing, after all the teasing he did with him before. But then again, that's just how our Moon was. No matter what, she still was a caring person.

On the other side of the Blackcrow, an ashamed figure walked aimlessly in circles. We are now inside the Blackcrow's extensive library, where Saros couldn't think straight any more. He couldn't even begin to comprehend his own feelings. Feelings which were unclear for him and so foreign. The dark atmosphere of the library didn't make it easier for him to think. Perhaps, if he lightened the candles it would make him feel better? It was worth a shot. With just a snap of his fingers, the wizard lit all of the candles inside the room at once, the light warmed his face up gently. For only a second, the dark wizard took a long deep breath but nothing seemed to work to calm down his mind and thoughts.

He let out a frustrated groan and turned wildly around to kick some books on the old carpet. Which made him question why these books were laying on the dusty ground anyway. Without any more thoughts on that the wizard picked those books up and sorted them with his sorting magic to the shelves where they belonged to and sighed.

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