Chapter 12- Aca-Initiation Night

Start from the beginning

"Ok," Jason said with a hint of skepticism. "You can cancel your appointment because we're not shooting any Benji scenes today."

"Really?" I asked, trying to play dumb as best as I could. "Huh."

There was a moment of silence between us. 

Then Jason's face lit up, as if he remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot, is Skylar there?"

"Yeah, I can hear you!" Skylar yelled from the bed, out of sight.

"Skylar, I highly advise that you take a nap before the Aca-Initiation shoot tonight. We're gonna be there for a while."


With that, Jason Moore said goodbye and headed to the next room. When I closed the door, I let out a massive sigh of relief. We have to tell people soon, because I don't think I can take more close-calls like that. 

I turned around to find Skylar out of bed, right in front of me. He was wearing only his boxers and he looked good. You could almost say that he glowed

"Well that was close," he joked, trying not to laugh. "So Ben, where is this barbershop you like so much?"

I put my hand on Skylar's smooth chest. "If that happens again, it'll be your turn to wear the robe." I tried to sound like I meant it but I couldn't take myself seriously. 

We laughed and Skylar leaned in for a kiss. It would be the first of many that day. 

~Skylar's POV~

When I woke up from my nap that 11 PM, Ben was getting ready for bed. Tonight we would shoot the Aca-Initiation Night scene, which, like the Riff-Off, would be another late shoot. A splashed my face with cold water to wake myself up.

Before I left, I gave Ben a kiss goodbye. 

"Make good choices," he said, hinting at one of Anna Kendrick's lines in the script. 

The set for this scene was a beautiful ampitheater on the LSU campus. Everything was made of cement, including the rows of seats. Jason Moore and his team of producers really knew how to pick a location.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that there was a lot of people there, too. My position for the start of the scene was in the circular middle area where my fellow Treblemakers were. The Bellas were on the outside of theater, who, along with busloads of extras, would file into the theater when shooting started. Various members of the High Notes mingled in the outer rows. 

I made my way down the ramp to the Trebles. Adam Devine and Utkarsh Ambudkar waved for me to come over. The two were drinking from red solo cups. Of course, it wasn't real alcohol; the movie only suggests we're drinking it. I picked up a cup, filled it with Coke, and joined them.

Adam: Hey Skylar, you ready to get "drunk" tonight?

Me: You know I am.

Utkarsh: Another day, another dollar.

Adam: More like, "Another day, another thousand dollars."

Utkarsh: I know, right? I should do these major studio movies more often. They pay you so much!

Me: I'll drink to that!

Once everyone arrived on set, shooting began. It might look like there's a loud party going on in the movie, but it was really quiet in real life. The editors would put music over the scene to make it sound loud. But for now, you could hear a pin drop.  

When the Bellas walked into the theater, I knew it was time to go up to them. The filmmakers encouraged us to do improvisation in this movie, especially in this scene. As Jesse, I walked over the rows of seats (my idea) toward Anna Kendrick as Beca. 

Fun fact: Anna and I improvised all of our parts in this scene. I was especially proud of the "I'm not drunk, you're just blurry" line that I made up on the spot. 

"I'm gonna get you a drink," I said, as Jesse. "I think you need to get on this level."

I started walking back over the rows of seats. Anna, as Beca, added, "Please be careful."

"Ok, cut!" Jason Moore said. "Skylar and Anna, that was perfect. You guys can take 5 for a little bit while we set up stuff down in the middle section." 

The camera crew began hauling their stuff toward Rebel Wilson and Anna Camp. I turned to Anna Kendrick, who was smiling from ear to ear.

"So..." she said, looking pretty excited. "How are you and Ben?"

There was no one else around us at the moment, so I felt comfortable having this conversation. Well, not too comfortable. 

"We're fine, thanks," I said, trying figure what was going on.

"That's good," Anna said. "You know, I just had a thought."

Oh boy. This should be good. "What's that?"

"I just thought that this would be the perfect place to... you know, tell everyone about you and Ben?"

My eyes widened. "Don't you think that's making kind of a big show out of it? Besides, Ben isn't here to do it with me.

"Oh, come on," Anna whined. "Literally everyone is here. This is the perfect moment to do it." She started to look a little serious. "You have to hold up your end of the deal, Skylar. I can't hold on to this secret much longer. It's driving me crazy."

A started to smile a little. "Please tell me you're joking." I really hoped she was. 

"I'll prove it," Anna said. She turned to face the entire crowd.

Scared out of my mind, I said, "Wait, Anna, what are you--"

"Attention everyone!" Anna shouted. Indeed, she did get everyone's attention. "Skylar has something to tell you guys!"

Everybody in the ampitheater, actors, extras and the film crew, turned to me. 


To be continued... ;) 

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