Chapter 20 : Discovery

Start from the beginning

My eyes lit up at the mention of the piano downstairs, remembering the good old times we spend singing together and learning how to play it with the others. I never was the best at playing instruments other than the ukulele and violin, all thanks to my parents putting me into classes.

Now days, I do thank them for teaching me some kind of musical talent.

"Oh! That sounds like an good idea Wally, we haven't played that piano in an long time!" I kicked my legs over the bed standing up. My legs remained slightly wobbly as I stretched my arms in the air cracking my back. Wally soon got up after me, taking an hold of my hand with his.

He gave it an small squeeze, his fingers grazing against my knuckles having my stomach swirl into butterflies. I felt the heat radiate from my cheeks, for sure I looked like an tomato at this point.

"You're cute when you blush Darling.." His voice softened, leaning closer to get an better look of my face. I only turned my face away with an smile, cracking an toothy grin.

"I'll let you get ready first okay? I know how long it takes for you to do your hair, especially with all of the hair spray." I jokingly spoke cupping my hand over the side of my mouth, earning an small chuckle from his lips. "I care very much for my hair honey.."

"Maybe a little to much."


Wally finished up his shower an few minutes ago, Now being my turn to hop in.

Taking my time in the shower, getting squeaky clean and singing an few Frank Sinatra songs I slide out the shower and get ready. I head out the bathroom and notice Wally who's staring outside the window of our room. I walk over to him to see what he was staring at.

"You okay Darling?" I ask placing an hand on his shoulder. He didn't say anything besides continue staring. I furrow my brows in worry my grip on his sweater tightening. "Wally..Wally are you okay?"

"Do you ever miss the show..?"

I was caught by surprise by his comment, causing me to let go of his sweater that I had an hold of. "W-What?" I ask again, uncertain if he asked me what he did.

"The show.. do you ever miss it?"

His question had me thinking hard. I could see and sense that after all these years, he still felt upset and probably guilty for the cancellation. I only sigh and wrap my arms around his body, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Oh, of course I do honey.. I miss it more than you think.."

The room filled with an sad but comforting silence. We both continued to stare out the window, as if waiting for something to happen. Nothing but flying birds and the breeze of leafs on the morning day.

"What if it was just the two of us..? Our own Welcome Home."

"Huh? Our own Welcome home?" I leaned off his shoulder looking at him with an surprised expression. He finally stares over at me with his sweet smile, taking my hand with his.

"Yeah.. just the two of us."

"Oh, well that would be nice dear. But we can't forget the others...However.." I give his hand an tight squeeze, leaning my head back down on his shoulder. I close my eyes, smiling an soft smile at the thought of the two of us being together. "It would be nice.."

The soft chirping of birds broke the silence in the room, being the only form of noise for the two of us. Wally didn't say anything for an moment until he turned back towards the window squeezing my hand in return.

"WHATS THAT PUPPET BOY?" Wally Darling x Reader Where stories live. Discover now