Chapter 14

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I don't know how long I have been locked here.Is there nobody who can save me from Alex.Mom,dad I miss you so much.It's been days I haven't talked with them.I wanna see them.I miss my little sister,my dear rabbit sister miss you so much.Nobody can't find me if i die here.I never wanted to become someone's obsession.I don't know what I did wrong that's why I am paying for it now.......

After few hours:

I don't know when I fall asleep, but all I know that the lights are on now.I blink my eyes several time as I try to adjust the brightness. When I adjust the light, I instantly fear that Alex has come back to punish me again, but thete is no one.It's dead silent.

After few minutes I hear multiple sets of footsteps. My breathe is ragged and I huddle further up in the corner of the cell.The footsteps only become louder as they come down to the hallway.

And finally they arrived in front of my cell.Their's two of them,guards wearing their usual suit.I let out a sight of relief as I noticed that there is no Alex.But that sight of relief didn't stay for long, when Alex stayed out of from the corner,a wide grin plastered across his lips.

I take a shaky breathe and push myself further up against the wall.His presence terrifed me. It's feels like he is some short of terrifying ghost.(Well a ghost is also better than him, hehe)

"How has your stay been here my princess?" Alex ask as he mentioned one of his guard to unlock  the  cell

No,he can't come in.Why he came here?? Can't he just leave me alone???

"Please,le-leave me a-alon-e." I whispered and pushed myself further up against the wall

The cell unlocked with an audible click and Alex walks in.He looks like a psycho. Well he is.He looks at me with those possessive eyes and I blushed.

I hate myself

"I left you alone for the past two days. Aren't you hungry??" He ask

As he asks my stomach growls loudly and I know that he heard.There's no point of telling lies that I am not hungry.So I just keep quite and hoping that he just leave me alone and forget about me.

"Come on baby just apologise to me and this can be over.I can take you upstairs right now and you can have all the food you want.And also we can watch a movie and you can sleep in a nice bed.How does that sounds??" He said as he was trying to coax a child

I watch with large eyes as he come towards me and kneel down to my eyes level,bringing his hand to my face and he begins  to cares my cheek and says,"Just said that you are sorry and will be forgiven. "He sounds so nice but I will never say sorry.

" I'll rather die to say sorry." I said and pushed his hands.

"That's why I love you baby.You are not like other girls.I admire your resistance. But soon you will be break.And I will be there to put you back together.I will be back in two days to see you again.I hope you will make the right decision. " He says and then he left the cell again leave alone in the cell

I heard their footsteps  fade away as they begin to leave and I open my eyes to find that at the door of the cell, he left a bottle of water and a piece of bread.

I bitterly smiled. I will  die rather to ask your forgiveness Alex.

I closed my eyes wondering if I will ever be free again......

Will he leave he down here until I apologise???

Will I ever apologise??

It's has been days since I talked with my parents, my little fasto.I miss you.I even don't know what date is today...

Will I ever be  able to see my family??


Sorry for late update my dear readers. And I am so grateful to all of you that you all waited for my update and loved my story. At first I just start writing it for fun.I never thought that I will publish this story. Thanks for encouraging me to write this story.

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