Chapter 5

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Alexander's POV:

The past  few days were like dream

I took a deep sight and decided to call Ishita.But i looked at the clock it was 2:00 am. She probably must be sleeping. I decided to call her tomorrow as i don’t want to wake up her at the middle of the night. A smile appeared on my face as i  remembered the moments i spend with her.

Next morning, i called her as soon as i get up.But she didn’t picked up the call.After that i called her every half an hour but she didn’t answered. My anxiety raised rising
after each unanswered call.

She must have been busy,I kept telling myself.When i couldn’t contract her even after her College time.I decided to go and see her.I grabbed my car kyes and drive to her house but i found that it was locked.I asked my men to trace her location. And to my relief, that she was at Hospital. I took a deep breath that i was holding when i drive  to her house. I drive to her hospital and waited there for another 30 minutes.I saw she was coming out.

And the worst thing is that, she didn’t look at my direction. I got annoyed inside the car and decided to follow her.And if she decided to take the alley this late at night. I don’t know how i am gonna punish her for that.

But to my relief, she didn’t take the alley. I decided to stop the car and talked to her. I horned my car until she noticed me.Her eyes winded in surprised. I could not help but smile looking at her face.I asked her to get in and drived one of the best restaurant as i own the whole Spain.

But i still could not forgot the feeling that i called her so many times but she didn’t answered. My anger grew at the thought tgat she might have been with someone else.

After we reached the restaurant and made our way to my private room.I lost my anger and made her cry.Damn i hate myself for making my angel cry.

I apologised  until she stopped crying and promised myself that to never let her eyes wet.And if anybody dares to do that,I'll kill that person.

After I came home, I took a bath and went to my bed.When I closed my eyes i only saw Ishita's face and her smile.

I think i fell in love with this girl. Yeah i fell in love with her the moment i saw her.Well it love at first sight. And i will onky marry her.I want to marry her.
After I marry her I will punish her to make me worry and ignore.I will punish you when you came in to my room,I smirk. I will make you mine in evey way....thinking all this I fell in sleep.

Before 2 weeks I went to visit Enrico in Italy.I am so happy to hear that my friend Enrico fell in love with a girl. Well he never fell in love that's why I was so shocked to hear that.He is the King of the Italian Mafia.It's unbelievable that he fall in love.I told him to not show her devil side to that girl. I just hope the girl just accept her love. If she not then it will be not so good of her.Cause If Enrico likes something he will get it anyhow.

I 'll propose Ishita as soon as I can.If she accept my proposal then It's okay if she not then It will be not good for her.I will have to show my devil side to her.I will do anything to make her mine.


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