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Short story:


Have you ever loved someone? If you have, then what was loving to you? What kind of love did you harvest? Was it the kind of harvest that lights up your happiness or the kind of harvest that makes you throw it away, because it have already rotten?

Being surrounded with people who were marriage, couples, and lovers had showed me what love was. For example, parents. For me my parents marriage was a marriage that I did not want but did not disliked.

My parents got along and always teamed up with each other. Yet somehow as their children, I always saw and heard unecessary things. That somehow the child did not notice the longing hatred she had for love. She did not want to love, nor to be loved.

Another example, Siblings. It was another example of love I felt that did not like. Perhaps it was because I was still a child back then that I was so sensitive when my older sisters would yell at me for asking for someone to play with. Or the fact that I simply was just a child that wanted someone to played with.

Or maybe it was because that I distanced myself from them as I grew. And so, they realized their mistakes too late.  But I did not want their love anymore. I did not wanted anyones love anymore.

And the last example. Romantic Love, Out of all the love I witnessed. This was the most unluckiest and most luckiest love I felt.

It was like trying to keep a candle from melting. Trying to keep the light awake.

However, a candle's light was bound To be blow cold from the start.

Just like how a life was taken away from her.

Did you ever felt a love so loving yet so hurtful? Have you ever loved someone who's as warm as the sun but suddenly as cold as ice?

Had you ever held your beloved lifeless body?

Perhaps it was death that was cruel to me but kind to you. Cruel because it took the only warm blanket of a beggar. But kind because it took the pain and misery out of a human.

Fighting was tiring. Fighting for your life must have been tiring wasn't it? But even so, let me be selfish just this once.

Let me keep you alive even if it means you'll have to endure hell.

However, you could only save those who wants to be saved.

"You could easily give up your life. I understand that you're tired from fighting, tired of living, and tired of endless medicine. However, can you keep fighting for me?"

You did not give a proper response. Nor did you react, Yet the same small yet somehow warm and gentle smile formed on your lips. Even with the dark eyebugs under your eyes, and your complexion that looked so tired. But even so, you did not speak. Not a single word came out of your lips.

"However, it seems now I got an answer"

The woman thought as she looked at the open casket, a pale and bloodless body greeting her. The gentle and warm expression did not met her anymore. It was only a man sleeping soundly at a casket. As if all the burdens and suffering of his have ended.

That day God took away two lives.

One was the woman's lover who finally was able to rest after fighting for his life from cancer all these months that felt like torturing years.

And the other was the woman who's life was taken away from her as soon as she saw her beloved's hand quickly dropping. As his heartbeat followed.

Even if you desperately try to save a persons life, trying to lessen and clear their burdens. If the person is not willing, If the person had already lose all hopes and fate.

Then even if you lay on a floor filled with thousands of dagger, his decision will never waver.

You cannot put back the torn clothes.

Nor can you fix it.

And so the woman realized.

"See? It's hard to fight for people who no longer wants to fight. It's hard to save people who did not want to be saved"

"But most of all. It's not only "hard" but impossible, you can never heal people who did not want to be healed"

Some people would cry in joy and accept the hand that was extended at the deep tunnel.

But some people would ignore and refuse the hand that wanted to help them. Because they chose to suffer in the tunnel, they chose to stay because they wanted the pain.

It was not suffering but addiction.

Mahirap ipag laban ang taong ayaw lumaban, Pero mas mahirap iligtas ang taong ayaw maligtas.

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