Red String of Fate

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Short story:

Inspired by one of my Best Friend's love story, and the song "Sa susunod na habang buhay"

"Do you believe in the red string theory?"

Because if someone ask me, I'll answer yes. I believe that there's an invisible string that bind us to our soulmate from the start. I believe that there's one red string tied to two persons. May it be strangers, friends, or classmates.

I was a child that grew in an abusive household, I did not found love nor felt love. My father was a two faced person, he looked kind to everyone but behind the curtains he would swing his hand. My mother was not like a mother at all, she could take care of her students like her own but could not love her daughter.

At least My grandmother was kind, but sometimes even a hero could get tired. I notice how tired she was from taking care of us, from protecting us, and from loving us.

And so the little girl grew as a child that did not want to love someone, her household was an example of "love" that she did not want at all.

But who would thought her vows and promises about not falling in love would have all been broken and washed the moment she met him?

First time, it was the first time she met him yet her heart stopped for a second, Her cheeks turning a red rose color, as her heart seemed to have lit up again.

Someone finally held and lit up the candle that no one held nor tried to lit.

At first her "liking" towards the man wasn't so deep. She still could get her path and dreams straight, she could still refer to him as a "classmate" but as time passed. Even herself did not notice how hard she was falling, but she also did not notice how hard she fell that it was slowly hurting her.

The woman finally felt the warmness and love she longed for. Just like the moon that was able to shine due to the sun's reflection.

The man had gentle features that made him look friendly and gentle, he had a bright and smart mind that he was a famous achiever. Almost as the sun itself, but it seemed even the sun can lose it's light.

No one noticed, no one noticed how much the man was suffering. Except the woman, she noticed how the man was less participant, she noticed the man's fake smile, she noticed the man's eyebugs like he cried the whole night.

But she did not dared to do anything, no. To be exact: she could not do anything.

And as time passed, the Sun had lost its light. People had turn their back against him, like a flower hat was no longer needed after losing it's beauty. The moon on the other hand was shining bright, she was getting higher and higher with her achievement. One was falling out of grace and One was getting higher and higher.

The both of them weren't that close, but the woman knew the man like the back of her hand. The man was friendly with everyone, but the woman did not mind. She was contented with small interactions and admiring from afar.

But after a year passed, both of them were closer than ever. Though most of them would just argue and be sarcastic with each other, it seems that deep down they care. The woman loved the man, she was sure. However she was not sure if the man had the same perspective.

Perhaps those interaction were just "small" interactions? The flowers given on Valentine, the way the man waited for the woman to come out of the resroom and give the woman's sticks used for dancing, the way he would stare at the woman, the way he would laugh and look embarrassed when they were getting ship.

Both of them were truly blind, just like the invisible red string tying the both of them together.

However it seems fate was too cruel to them.

The woman did not know why, but these pass few days her breathing had been slight stiff. As if there was a plaque blocking her nose and mouth unabling her to breath. The woman just brushed it off thinking it was just a simple ashma. Until it worsened, she could no longer breath at certain times and her chest felt like thousands of stones were falling on it when she breath.

The man could only watch from afar, as the woman was being carried to the clinic. He did not knew what kind of expression had, but he could tell this was the first time he had that expression.

Another year passed.

That day was very clear in the man's memories, the trees leaves were slowly falling. Green and orange leaves filling the entire streets floor. The leaves slowly fell and so was her heart beat.

What a coincidence, the woman died at 9:11 AM the same date of the man's birthday. When the news travelled to the man, he did not cry. But he also was definitely not happy, but he was sure for one thing.

It felt like his light have been blew cold again. But this time it was turn off so cruelly that it felt like thousands of ants were crawling to his heart.

After that day the man disliked the Season of Fall. It was the same Season where they first met, but it was also the Season where they last met. The man also disliked celebrating his birthday, he felt numb. He could no longer feel happiness nor sadness.

But one day he felt like those emotions were once opened again. His bracelet suddenly fell at the road, the man sighed in annoyance. He glanced at two directions looking if there's any nearby trucks or vehicles. After seeing the road was clear he then walked towards the bracelet. The same bracelet the woman used to wear, a strawberry like theme.

But for some reason he suddenly heard the woman's voice calling him, that he did not heard any nearby sounds. He just simply froze stiff at the spot, he didn't even realized the tears coming out of his eyes.

He also did not notice the nearby truck that did not saw him since he was bent down. And for a second, a body was pushed by a truck. Blood filling the entire street, as the man's eyes were slowly closing. He did not realized what happened, but he could only remember that woman's smile. As his life was taken away from him.

Or perhaps it was taken away from him a long time ago already.

8:07 AM. It seems fate was truly cruel that the man died at the same date of the woman's birthday.

But even so, their red strings were not cut. Even in death, the red string remained in contact. It was stubborn to let go.

Even in another timeline, the red string still bind them both.

Both of them died not knowing they both loved each other.

"Ah, the red string theory?"

A tall yet slender figure spoke, his voice low yet as soft as cotton and as deep as a tunnel. The man had short black hair, and dark brown eyes. He had a small smile that made him looked friendly and gentle. The woman then raised an eyebrow as she glanced at the man.

And for some reason, there was a slight tinge at both of their hearts.

The woman's long black hair slightly brushed against the man's arm. The woman simply letted out an awkward chuckle, As her dark brown eyes glanced away. Slowly closed the book she was reading. The lid of the book becoming more clearer to see.

"Red string of fate"

Perhaps fate was too cruel in their past life, that fate prepared another life for them to be together.

Both of them suddenly spoke, but coincidentally the same sentences came out of their mouth.

"Do you believe in the red string theory?"

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