Touch me, not

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Short story

A longtime ago, there was a book called "Touch me, not" the book was not so famous at that time. Yet when it reached the 2000's it reached the heart of many people that it was the only thing people would talk about. Yet they all had the same question why name it that? After all The story was full of sorrow. Yet the title "Touch me, not" had no connection.

The main couple had a unique ending, many people had their own theories and opinion. Some would say "Cruel fate" Some would say "Wrong story" Yet some would also say

"Right person at a wrong time"

Tears would fell the moment people would come at that part of the story. It's about two identical twins, The empire was a chaos when they saw it was twins. After all Who would be the ruler? Normally it would be the one who came out first right? But what if the older twin had an inborn disease?

And so the witness at the empress birth lied. They said the younger twin was the older twin, and just like that the older brother was stripped off his title as the inheritor. Yet Both of them were also stripped of their knowledge.

Both of them grew up, one was healthy, yet full of arrogance. But he loved his "younger" brother a lot, he would bully everyone but never his "younger brother" since his "younger" brother was born fragile and have a weak spiritual core he felt the need to protect and love him with all his heart.

Who would had thought that it was the same "younger" brother who killed him with his own hands?

Before everything that happened, before the bloodshed, the guilt, the dead bodies, the blood. The younger brother figured out he was the real older brother. The one who was supposed to be the inheritor of the Crown. The one who was stripped off his knowledge just because he was weak. The one who suffered all his life.

And so at the day of his "older" brother's coronation. He massacred everyone, his parents, his "older" brother that adored him, his friends, servants, nobles.

After that he was titled as the tyrant, he claimed the throne. no one dared to go against him. And so the Tyrant was alone all his life. He never had a wall to lean on, nor a hand to grabbed in his hardest time. But even so, even the hottest planet had once water on its surface.

The Tyrant fell in love, he courted a woman yet the woman just agreed in fear that if she'll reject him. Her head might fell in just a second. And so they were lovers, engaged, then married.

But even so, it was like there was a wall between them. The woman would always flinch when the Tyrant would approach him. The woman was kind and gentle, yet even she had people she was scared of.

People would say that the woman was pitable, they would say the Tyrant was a horrible being, they would say that the tyrant was truly a monster.

Yet he did not mind. As long as the woman was near him, even if he could not reach her. It was fine, as long as he had her. It's not like the woman was that wary of the tyrant, she was alert and cautious but she was as warm as the sun and as patient as a candle to him.

And so the Tyrant felt loved for once, even it was forced, even if it was out of fear, even it was fake.

After all Fake was better than nothing.

Until something happened, the tyrant once again massacred the neighbor country. And so the woman was afraid, she couldn't even look at him anymore, she couldn't even approach him anymore. it was like the wall that the tyrant patiently and gently broke down once again climbed. With hundreds of thousands of millions of layers again.

Their relationship had more gaps between them, the woman did not dare to come near. So the tyrant did not come near, the woman did not want to look at him, and so the tyrant did not showed up in front of her as long as he can.

It was like she was so close yet so far, she was within his reach. Yet as far as the sun.

Like a person trying to reach the stars.

It was truly a right person at a wrong time.

After that the Tyrant divorced the woman, the woman did not know what to feel. Nor did she not know what to do. So simply just agreed, she should be happy right? Yet she felt so sad to be let go or to let go of him. She felt that the Tyrant no longer needed her.

She would never know that the tyrant did that to let her go, Yet the tyrant would never know that the woman never wanted him to let go.

And so they never met each other after then, days passed, months passed, years passed, decades passed. The both of them never remarried, they both died as a widow. The woman was the first to fell into a deep slumber, she died in a disease. After the news reached the tyrant, the tyrant the next day committed suicide.

There was nothing left for him to reach, the light at the end of the tunnel seemed to have left when the night came.

And so both of them fell into a deep slumber, maybe in another universe they'll reach their happy ending.

"Ouch!" A woman yelled as she rubbed the back of her head, it seems she bumped into someone when she accidentally dropped a book at the shelf. She was trying to pick it up but it seems someone had the same motive. The woman glanced at the person she bumped into with slightly teared eyes, as she continued to rub the back of her head. The man on the other hand was very handsome, even if her features looked sharp and cold his eyes were concerned and gentle. the man apologized as he smiled warmly, He was holding the book that the woman accidentally dropped.

"Touch me, not"

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