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Short story

Conflict, everytime that woman would express her opinion the woman with Raven hair and Dark brown eyes would disagree with her every time. And each time she simply just listens, in fear that if she does not. She'll make the worst case scenario happen.

And so in her whole life the woman leaned against that raven haired, as if it was a wall that she leans into when she stumbles. Like a hand that she desperately grabs onto, Like a dog that will love someone who wronged her just because it showed the bit of kindness.

After all, a dog was greedy for warmth.

Two scenarios, whenever the woman listen to the other's disagreement only two things will happen. One, the raven haired was correct, Two the raven haired was wrong. But even so the woman still clung onto the other, and begged not to let go. She clung onto it as if it was the only light in a deep dark tunnel. But who would had thought that the light itself was the one binding her in the dark tunnel?

And so another scenario happened. The woman thought about it and made a decision, but as always the raven haired woman disagreed with her. And with hesitations the woman just agreed with the others opinion. However, this time the second possible scenario happened.

The raven haired was wrong, of course people get wrong sometimes right? They make mistakes. If it was the first it was nothing, if it was the second it's reasonable, if it's the third it's doubtful but acceptable. But what if it's the hundredth time? Wouldn't that be the same as cutting someone with thousands of daggers infront of them and saying "It wasn't me"

And so the woman was angry, she lost her trust at the raven haired woman. The woman realized that light at the end of the tunnel was impossible to reach. It was too far.

After that the woman, slowly just slowly cut off that raven haired. She removed the one who was always disagreeing, doubting, not trusting, and insulting her opinions. Of course it wasn't easy, without the raven haired woman the other made alot of mistakes. But it was alright, the woman did not felt like she was trapped in a cage anymore.

She finally reached the light at the end of the dark scary tunnel. She was finally free, just like a bird who got out of the cage itself.

One day, the woman was fixing her hair infront of the mirror. The mirror reflected her reflection, it was a woman with raven hair that looked as dark as the tunnel. And dark brown eyes that almost looked like black if one wouldn't pay too much attention. The woman scoffed as she letted out a deep sigh. She flickered her sleeves before turning around to leave, her figure slowly disappearing and so was her reflection.

But she mouthed one last thing before she left.


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