Sweet' N Sour

450 13 64

(Warning, sexual assault almost got eaten)

Yue was doing some deliveries for the customers that ordered both sweets and noodles while listening the music that was sent by a certain Huli-Jing as she started dancing and singing along.

🎶cotton candy, cotton candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy,🎵
🎵Hey! I'm what you need, I'm what you want🎶
🎶I got it all, a carnival🎵
🎵I'll bring you up, I'll take you DOWN 🎶
🎶I'm sticky sweet, stuck in your teeth like-

But suddenly she sensed something zooming past her and revealed to be a man on a scooter, who skids a stop and looks up at Yue with a glare and this made her gasped, she turned around hoping to get away, only to be cornered. Yue laughed nervously with a gulp as she looked nervous about this situation, "Oh boy, Uh, alright now, I know how to fight and you don't want to mess with me." Yue says as she shakingly got into a fighting stance before she shrieked when one of them grabbed her from behind. "Look at her, isn't she just precious~" One of them grinned. Yue started to panic as she struggled out of his hold, She felt a hand go up under her shirt, groping her chest and the other inside her pants making Yue whimper in fear, but before things got out of hand, one of the delivery driver's get's punched away.

"What the- "and when they turned around and flinched to see two glowing eyes as they were immediately shivered when they got death glares from both Lin and AoBing as they gave out their deadly aura.

"What the- "and when they turned around and flinched to see two glowing eyes as they were immediately shivered when they got death glares from both Lin and AoBing as they gave out their deadly aura

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"You mortals are a disgrace to all man kind." AoBing said in a dark tone with his sword out while Lin had a hint of kill in her eyes, "So if you know what's good for you, you three seconds to let Yue go or.... There will be trouble" she says and this give Yue enough time to kick the guy in the nuts. The guy yelled In pain, holding his legs. She gets back up and ran towards her saviors. Soon the gang of delivery drivers surrounded them and tried to attack them but Lin quickly jumps up and shouted "Fox Fire!" As she summons fire out of her hands blasting the delivery driver's. The drivers ran for the lives to get away from them.

When they were gone, Lin and AoBing both calm down with a sigh before looking at Yue in concern and noticing her breathing and shaking. "You alright Kit?" Linda asked  as Yue nod a little as AoBing picked her up in bridal style trying to comfort Yue as she slowly falling asleep. "We need to take her back to the pig demon." AoBing said to Linda who nodded in agreement before she shifted to her fox form making AoBing jumped on Lin while carrying Yue before Lin started running away.

Back to Pigsy's noodles

When they arrived, Yue slowly woke up and noticed she was at the entrance and AoBing was still carrying Yue while Lin was walking beside him in her human form. Yue slowly tears up from her eyes, "I'm sorry...." Yue sniffled, as her tears started falling faster. "Shh, Shh.... Let's get you inside and have a cup of tea. The most important thing is that you're safe." AoBing said while Lin nodded for agreement, the trio entered the shop and the first person to see was Pigsy and Tang.

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