After math

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Down below with the Spider Queen

After the battle with the Monkey Queen and her friends, the Spider Queen was sobbing in defeat with a messy hair and a furious expression on her face while glaring at at the 'little girl'. "Where were you!? What happened to my destiny!?" She snarled at the girl before she smiled calmly at the Spider Queen. "Your destiny has not been changed or diminished. Your enemies have done exactly what we needed." She said with a sweet smile, a shadow nearby slowly revealed the trigram furnace. The queen looking at it before back at the girl furiously. "And now, my Queen, the true game can begin" she added with an evil smirk.

Meanwhile in the celestial realm

The Jade emperor was in his throne while looking at the picture of his son, his daughter in law and his granddaughter in his hand. He could never forget the day he became a grandfather which was the proudest moment of his life until the prophecy was realized.


The celestial realm was celebrating at the palace where the birth of the knew member of the Jade family. After all these years The son of the Jade Emperor who was once a single man finally found a beautiful wife and a beautiful baby girl name Yue. Despite of his daughter being half human she's still the member of the Jade family, many celestial beings chanted amongst themselves.

Prince Li the son of the Jade emperor walked towards his wife, Nanami Shang, who held her daughter laughing happily. "Oh Yue." She sweetly as her baby girl cooed happily when she took a hold of her crown and giggled. "Behave yourself." She said while gently took her crown back from her laughing baby as the crib appeared from the clouds and placed her daughter gently while the baby was clapping for joy, then Li came over to see his daughter with a smile on his face.

Nanami moved aside to let her husband so he could have a bond with his baby girl. "There's my little princess. Look at you, your are a beautiful baby girl just like her mother." He said smiling happily before making silly noises making Yue cooed as Li wiggled his finger as her, Yue grabbed onto her Father's finger, then lift her father of the ground. "Hah! Oh she's so strong, like her father hmm?" Li said towards his wife with pride.

Then a fake cough was heard, the royal married couple turned their head to see the Third Lotus Prince known as Nezha, holding a bouquet of flowers for the human princess. "Congratulations on your new member of the family your highness." Nezha said as he bowed to the happy couple as Nanami smiled at the Third Lotus Prince. "Why Nezha, they're lovely." Nanami smiled why taking the flowers and gently smelled the fragrance as Nezha nodded and bowed respectively.

Then a chuckled came from none other then The Jade Emperor himself, he came towards his son and Daughter-in-law and greeted them with a hug while Nezha moved aside to let the family have their lovely moment. After the finished their loving moment The Jade emperor looked down at his newborn granddaughter who looked at her grandfather's smiling and giggling happily.

The Jade Emperor carefully held his hand out towards his granddaughter as the infant took a hold of the Jade Emperor's forefinger tightly which made the Jade Emperor smiled softly at his Granddaughter. "Hello Yue, I'm giving you this locket so that you'll never forget that part of your heart will always belong to both mortal realm and celestial realm." the Jade emperor said as he showed a familiar jade bracelet making Yue smiled. The Jade Emperor placed her bracelet on her wrist.

Then suddenly a huge gust of wind appeared out of nowhere along with Lightning and thunder. Everyone stood in fright already know who made a dramatic entrance, but was too shocked to speak. It was none other than the Not Mayor, he made an evil smirk and walked towards to the new member of the Jade Family. "Well, well, well. So this is the Jade Princess, I heard that the son of the Jade Emperor had a granddaughter but I never new that he has a half-fling for a Granddaughter." The not mayor earned a harsh glare from Li not liking where this is going. "But no matter I have a 'lovely' gift for the princess." The not Mayor said making everyone in the Celestial Realm gasped in horror as Nezha guarded Yue.

The not Mayor created an Illusion with his own bear hands as the red mist surrounded him. "Listen well, all of you! The princess shall indeed become a beautiful young women just like her mother, and beloved by all. However, when she finally encountered by Lady Bone Demon during her journey in the future. She will be unstoppable and kill your precious princess!"

The crowd gave out a loud gasps even screamed in horror. "No!" Nanami yelled as she held her child closer while the Not Mayor let out a maniacal laugh. By this time, the Jade Emperor shifted his horror filled state to one rage and fury. "Seize that man!" The Jade Emperor ordered his guards as Nezha and the guards got into their attack formation. And with that, the not Mayor had vanished by the same storm he created. Once he left for good, no one spoke but soon the sound of tears falling could be heard.

Flashback end

The Jade Emperor snapped out of his flashback and finally made a determined face and put his picture away. "Get me Nezha. I have a mission for him." The Jade emperor ordered his guard as the Guard nodded and left the throne room to bring Nezha. Moments later, Nezha came to the throne and bowed. "You summoned me your highness?" Nezha asked as the Jade emperor looked at him and said "Nezha I have a job for you. I need you to bring me Yue Sanzang."

The end

Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)Where stories live. Discover now