Revenge of the spider Queen pt.5

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"Halt!" Something flies down towards Yue, causing her to quickly jump back as Yue stared at the man in front of her who has shoulder-length black hair that fluffs out towards the bottom, the top half of it is curved around his head implies he has pointy ears as he has circular red makeup above his eyebrows. He also wears pink gold lined armor with pointed Paul-drons, a red undershirt and turquoise pants. At his waist are pink folds, shaped in a way that resembles a lotus, tied with a turquoise belt and he has gold bracelets and brown boots, each with a gold sole that holds the fire wheels. A red ribbon floats around his body and under his arms.

Yue was shock to see that this man is none other than Nezha the third Lotus Prince. Yue couldn't help but blush a little under her hood and realized that it's the same man she met when she was waiting for the Monkey King on her first date.

'Deja vù' Yue thought to herself but quickly snapped out of it as she turned serious. "Identify yourself or feel the taste of my spear!!" The deity stated, Yue shivers a bit but acts confidence and pulls out her staff. NeZha's eyes widened seeing Monkey King's staff being wielded by someone he met and know of. "Yue!?" NeZha says in shock on finding out that his successor is here in the celestial realm.

NeZha snapped his shocked and gives Yue a threatening glare, "Yue, you must leave this place now before you get hurt." NeZha threaten the young woman to leave. "I'm afraid I can't do that. Listen NeZha, I'm currently on a mission. So just let me past through the garden to I can get the peach from the heavenly orchard so I can save the world." Yue explained to Nezha as he glares at her giving her shivers down to her spine.

"I don't know what you're planning, but this mission won't be complete. If you refuse my order, there will be consequences!" Nezha shouted as he pointed his spear at Yue, seeing there's no point in talking as she faces Nezha, who glares at her while standing protectively in front of the tree.

She looks at him and as her eyes glow jade green instead of gold ones like the Monkey King's power and had a glare on her face giving Nezha some shivers on his spine. "I came her to get that peach-" as she leaves out her jade green aura while her bracelet glows as she adds "And I'm not leaving without it!" As this made Nezha surprised for a moment before he glares back. "Then so be it Monkey Queen!" Nezha says as Yue spins her staff before charging at Nezha who charged her too as they both let out a yell.

Meanwhile in Lao Tzu's lab

Tang gasps as he looks around the lab, his eyes sparkling. "Every item in this room is brimming with untold, dangerous power!" due to his excitement, a vial he had been looking at fell to the ground with a crash. "Tang! Will you stop screwing around!" Pigsy yelled at Tang and continues to search for the pills, "Hmm, Lao Tzu's pills. If I know anything about the legends, they won't be easy to find." Tang said.

"Is this them?" asked Pigsy. Tang turns to see Pigsy holding the pills, gasping as he ran up to the demon pig, eyes sparkling as he stammers while examining them. "That's them!" he quickly clears his throat, composing himself. "Ahem, yes." He says trying to take things seriously.

"Great, let's get going." Pigsy said and then A sudden laugh was heard, causing a duo to turn seeing Huntsman. "What's the rush, piglet?" Huntsman said and tosses a net towards them, then the duo quickly duck, running away with the pills.

Meanwhile back with Yue

Nezha jumps and raised his spear towards Yue who blocks NeZha's attacks with her staff. Their weapons clashed and clashed as Yue backs up from Nezha as she twirled her staff, then removes her cape to make this fight easier.

She blocked every attack Nezha throws at her and then there weapons stopped as they hold into an X, the two of them stared into each other's eyes Nezha couldn't help but stared at her eyes as if he had seen them somewhere before, Yue used her strength and managed to push NeZha back a bit, making him surprised by her strength.

Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ