Mulai dari awal


She quickly moved to get back on her feet but she wasn't fast enough and one of her legs got hit. She let out a pained yell when that happened.

Nov 19, 2023, 2:55 PM


Luckily she moved fast enough to only get sliced slightly but she was able to block the next strike when he threw down his weapon upon her right shoulder, the handle of his axe meeting her dirk as the blade was an inch from her leather shoulder plate.

When it's face was this close to her, she noticed the blackened shape of his face to be oddly familiar and there was some kind of hesitation in him before he took his axe off her blade and tried to do a swift roundhouse kick to her gut.


She noticed her hesitation as she quickly reacted to that and grabbed her bow from her back putting iy around it's leg quickly and twisted it and pulled trying to make it lose it's balance once again.

Nov 20, 2023, 8:00 AM


He grabbed her arm as she tried to do this and attempted to hit her in the face with the end of his axe.

Nov 20, 2023, 8:17 AM


Moira narrowed her eyes at him quickly moved to the side making them both fall over as she used her own weight as she pulled him down.


When they hit the ground he rolled them over so she was on her back and he tried to bury his axe in her skull.


Since her bow was still around his feet but moved up she pulled it up so it hit him between his legs before grabbing her dirk and tried hitting him against his temple.


He fell to the side when she hit him on the head, setting her free from his domineering position.

Nov 20, 2023, 9:29 AM


Moira quickly got up as she took his axes away. When she got up and plucked one of his axes from his loosened grip, he swung at her with his other one in his offhand in an attempt to slice her throat open. She stumbled back when that happened but quickly stablished herself to be able to react to his next attack.


He said was kneeling but he got back up and tossed his axe to his main hand, pulling a blade from his side with his other as he charged her and swung for her chest.


She dodged his attacks by backing up into a wall. She used it to her advantage by pushing herself up timing it so that she could kick him in his chest before jumping down again and slit his arms to get him to drop his weapons.

Nov 20, 2023, 11:10 AM


She saw black blood—like ink—splatter onto the stone floor but the shade kept fighting, ducking from her next advance and attempting to stab his dagger into the side of her thigh.


Moira looked confused at the color of the blood and that it even could bleed. She quickly blocked his attack with her dirk. She then kicked his leg closest to her and tried to stab him it his side.

Nov 20, 2023, 1:17 PM


He blocked her jab with his dagger pointed down, attacking with precision and strength. And he tried to swing for her chest with his axe.

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