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Loud talking and music filled the air of the Great Hall of Berk.

Vikings, tradesmen, sailors, adventurers, northmen, and all other types danced a jolly jig with one another across the stone floor, laughing along with each other while talented musicians played on a wide variety of instruments in the corner of the hall.


Tables were set up everywhere as others ate amazing food and drank delicious meads and ales. Others were gambling on some of these tables and getting into the games they were playing as some silver coins bounced onto the rock floor.

Astrid walked past some men who were arm wrestling as others shouted for who they wanted to win, nearly bumping into a woman carrying a tray of tankards. She grabbed two of them off the tray and walked towards the table where she saw Moira sitting.

A rather greasy chap with a long braided beard sat in front of the red headed princess as he smirked at her. "Why do ye look so alone, lass? Need company?" he enticed.

Jul 17, 2023, 4:47 PM


Moira glared up at the man as he sat down. "I am fine on me own thank ye.." she said sharply looking away from him when she said that. She clearly wasn't in the mood for this.


"Go bother someone else, Olaf," Astrid snickered as she set the drinks down on the table.

The Viking lifted his arms. "Thought I would at least give it a shot, aye?" he defended before getting up and leaving them.

Astrid slid one of the drinks to her as she sat down where Olaf was sitting before. "You alright red?" she asked her,


Moira watched him leave before grabbing the cup and took a big sip. Something clearly was bothering her. " me head..." she said sighing deeply as she leaned back in her seat. "..not in the mood for celebration because of it.." she said before taking another sip feeling it burn down her throat as she coughed since she drank it too quickly.


When she looked back at Astrid, the girl was finishing the entire tankard, a little foam mustache on her lip before she wiped it off and set the empty cup on the table with a *thunk*. She didn't seem affected by the alcohol as she looked at Moira and said, "I saw you and that man hugging earlier. What happened?"


Moira got a slight blush on her face when she was reminded of that situation as she quickly drank half of her cup. "I...I just..sort of broke down.." she said honestly then. "He..listened to me and gave me comfort.." she stated quietly.


She narrowed her eyes. "Are you guys married or together or anything?" she asked curiously.


"Oh god no.." Moira's face got even redder when she asked that as she finished her drink. "I barely know could I be with him?"


"Hey you can put the weapons away, I was just curious," she said with her hands up defensively, a playfulness to her mannerisms. "I also didn't know how long ago you met your little crew," she added with a shrug.

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