"I only addressed him when he touched my ass, should I have said thank you?"

"No, he acted wrong but at the same moment I interfered. From then on you should have ignored him. And your tone is also wrong with me right now, I'm talking and trying to solve the problem in the best way for everyone and I don't need your irony."

"Right. Do you really think it was proportional? Did you hear everything I heard? He took advantage of an accident with my clothes to unload personal insults on me."

"I'll talk to him, Taehyung. But I would like you to also rethink your behavior. If you provoke him, you will get back and the proportion may be unfair. So just be professional and try to forget that you don't like Jackson while you work. After all, I was very clear when I handed you the contracts, Jackson is my right arm and will always have a right to opinion."

Taehyung let out air through his nose, incredulous, but decided to take it less, "well, it's not like we're going to work together anymore, since I was fired."

"You weren't fired and you won't be, at the end of the day I'm still the boss."

Really? It didn't seem like it, Taehyung thought.

Bogum got up from the couch and approached where Taehyung was sitting, "look, I'd like to talk to Wang now and then talk to you both together. Can you wait here a few minutes?", Taehyung agreed and Bogum left through the door towards Jackson's office.

Taehyung's wish is to tell Bogum and Jackson to go fuck themselves, cancel all his model contracts and go back to his farm, go back to being an ignorant bumpkin but at least bump into fewer bastards.

But he can't do that. He needs to stay long enough to at least renew his farm and finish its improvements. His new planter machine is on the way and he still needs to pay half of it. He hired new employees and promoted others to help Jin while he was away. Taehyung can't just give up on everything.

But he makes a promise to himself, there, alone: as soon as his farm is better on track, debt-free and with a higher profit, he quits his modeling career. He doesn't need a lot of money or fame, he rathers have peace.


Almost an hour later Bogum enters his office accompanied by Jackson, who parades towards the meeting table. Bogum signals for Taehyung to join them.

"Okay, you both. I'm talking here as a boss, professional and friend: I need you both. Jackson, you're my ally, my partner. There's no team Park without you. Taehyung, you're the talisman of Team Park, your career is recent but your talent already makes you essential to me. Once again, I ask you guys to forget your disagreements while you're working; I don't care about your lives out there, but here I demand respect and professionalism."

"Taehyung, do you want to say something to Jackson? About how you didn't like the treatment you received or how you demand to be treated?"

Taehyung stared at Jackson, "just address me for instructions and don't touch me inappropriately." Jackson let out air through his nose and smiled.


"And what about you, Jackson?"

"I do. I need you to lose weight."

Taehyung arched an eyebrow at him but said nothing, "you heard me. Did I said it in the wrong way in the studio? Maybe. But you're overweight and you won't fit into the campaign clothes if you don't lose weight. And your contract will have to be terminated for that reason."

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