34 - Balance

155 19 5

"I can't believe you gave in so easily, Hobi hyung. Fuck, you should have been more firm!"

Jungkook paced restlessly around the room and ended up punching hard the desk in front of him. Hearing and seeing that was the limit for Hoseok, who until then had been worried about not upsetting Jungkook, but you know what? It was all his fault after all.

"If you weren't a dog in heat, none of this would have happened, Jungkook. You and Taehyung are to blame for doing what you did. It's even worse knowing that it's not the first or second time you've been caught in this kind of situation. What's that? An uncontrollable fetish for fucking in public or for being caught?"

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise at Hoseok's tone and aggressiveness. Namjoon just rested his head in his hands as he stared into nothingness.

"Don't tell me I didn't try, I had no choice. It was either that or you'd be out unemployed by now. So how about lowering your tone and thanking me, brat?"

"Can I still hand in my resignation letter?"

"Jungkook, don't try me. Put your nose down and be humble. Recognize your mistake and move on. Don't give me a hard time, grow the fuck up and deal with the consequences of your actions. It's not like Taehyung died. He just won't work with us anymore. A loss for our team, yes, but honestly? Good for his career. Bogum will make him what I intended to but much faster," Hoseok sits down next to Namjoon and takes a deep breath, the silver haired man patting his back in consolation.

"Jungkook, Hobi is right. You don't like to hear it, but you shouldn't have made that mistake. Again. We need you on our team and Hoseok did the right thing by not giving you up. Taehyung was a beautiful project, but that's okay. Other projects will come. Before you get offended, I mean this in a professional sense. Our relationship with Taehyung doesn't change and we hope his career grows more and more."

"Support your boyfriend, if you can take my advice. Don't let your jealousy or possessiveness get the best of you. Taehyung is wanted for so many companies, I've never seen a career grow so fast. We were right, he was born for it."

"I'm not possessive or jealous, I just don't trust that Bogum and Jackson want the best for Taehyung. Call me self-centered, but to me it's a plan to get to me."

Jungkook calms down a bit and sits down with his friends, crossing his arms over the table and burying his face in the gap. "I'm sorry Hobi hyung, I'm sorry Namjoon hyung. I fucked up again.", his voice came out muffled.

"It's okay, kid. You're young and you'll make shit sometimes. Just try not to repeat the same shit, give us something new to deal with", Namjoon ruffles Jungkook's hair and smiles.

"I guess the hunt for a new model starts again, drum the roll", Hoseok says as he taps on the table.


"Please sit down, this is my private office, it's just the two of us", Bogum pointed the sofa for Taehyung who sat on the edge, Bogum sat on the other end right after.

Taehyung didn't say a single word to him since the incident, the way to the office was silent and strange. The farmer is a person who returns and keeps eye contact every time they talked, but now he also kept his eyes low and distant.

"First, I'm sorry for what happened in the studio. About what happened to your clothes", Taehyung doesn't offer any kind of comment then he continues, "second, I'm sorry for the way you and Wang treat and disrespect each other."

Now Taehyung stares at him, "how did I disrespect him?", his voice is low and grave, imposing seriousness. "Not recognizing him as an authority there. Challenging and being acidic."

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