Chapter Ninety

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Danielle's POV

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Danielle's POV

Freeya ran from me in a fit of scream-giggles as I chased her around the house, trying to put her in an adorable little Santa dress. We have to be at Fantasia's house for Christmas dinner in 30 minutes which is all the way in west bubble fuck, and trying to get her dressed has been hell. She hopped into the Barbie van that she had unwrapped just an hour and drove it to get away from me, laughing harder as she did so. I finally caught her when she crashed into the wall, making a picture fall and hit the floor from how hard she collided with the wall. I scooped her up and put the dress on over her head as she giggled uncontrollably. Just a few weeks ago, I thought that I would be spending Christmas in the hospital. I think the most difficult part of that traumatic experience was losing my sense of bodily autonomy. The bullet luckily missed my vital organs, but it did pierce my spine. It's honestly a miracle that I made it through physical therapy so fast, and I was able to walk the purple carpet for the premier instead of rolling onto it in a wheelchair. I don't know what I was thinking about when I pushed Fantasia and took her place in front of that bullet. My baby girl could have lost her mother. My wonderful husband could have lost his wife. I don't regret doing what I did, but I would be lying if I said that it doesn't haunt me. Sometimes I can't sleep because my mind is constantly replaying the shooting on a torturous loop. I haven't talked about it because I don't want Fantasia to feel guilty or feel like she has to apologize for what Kendall did, but it's eating away at me everyday. Her and Taraji are in such a great place right now, and I don't want to say anything that will spoil their happiness. I'll just have to suffer in silence if it means keeping the peace.

Fantasia's POV

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Fantasia's POV

As I swept up all the heaps of wrapping paper from this morning, it felt like I would be sweeping forever. I may have went a little overboard with all the gifts I got for the kids, but this is their first Christmas in a long time without Kendall, and I just wanted them to be happy and not think about him. I was more-so worried about Keziah than Dallas, because Dallas made it very clear how he felt about Kendall, but Keziah is just 2 years old and she doesn't fully understand what happened. All she understands is that her dad isn't around anymore. I heard the door opening, and I knew that Taraji was here, using the key that I gave her. When I heard Keziah squeal happily, it only confirmed my suspicion that Taraji had arrived. I walked through the kitchen to the foyer, glancing at Zion and Dallas making brownies together as I passed by. In the foyer, Taraji was balancing Keziah in her arms along with a bunch of gift bags. I took some of the bags from her to lighten her load, pecking her lips.

Fantasia: Hey baby. Merry Christmas. I knew that Santa would come. Your fine ass was at the top of my wishlist.

Taraji: If you keep yourself off the naughty list, I'll let you get up in my chimney.

Keziah: What does that mean Panda? I thought only Santa goes in the chimney?

Taraji: Nothing, baby, nothing. I'm gonna kick Dani's ass for telling you to call me Panda.

Keziah: Tee Tee Dani said you like that name.

I giggled into my palm and gave her another kiss just because I was happy to see her. She carried Keziah on her hip as we went into the living room, putting the gifts that she had gotten everybody under the tree. As I was counting the number of gifts that Zion, Dallas, and Keziah each had, I noticed that none of the gift bags had my name on them. Taraji is really the only Christmas present that I need, but I can't lie like I wouldn't be a little hurt if she didn't get me anything. Zion and Dallas came into the living room, tackling Taraji with hugs and kisses. Dallas held onto her waist a little bit longer than necessary. I had to pull him off of her myself just so that she could breathe.

Taraji: Merry Christmas guys!

Dallas: It sure is. I thought that I would find you under the tree this morning, Miss Taraji.

Taraji: Oh really? Why is that?

Dallas: Because you're God's greatest gift to man.

Taraji: That was a good one. You really are trying to steal me from your momma, aren't you?

Dallas: Is it working?

Fantasia: No.

I grabbed Taraji by her waist and pulled her body flush against mine with her ass pressing into my midsection, and I stuck my tongue out at Dallas.

Zion: Taraji, you have got to see the car my mom got me.

Zion took Taraji's hand and dragged her outside to show her the 2024 Range Rover I bought her. I can't even enjoy my own fiancé because my children are so busy trying to take up her time from me. It's heartwarming to see, but I'm ready to have her to myself. I hate that we're living in separate houses even though we're in the same neighborhood, but I'm not moving my kids into any house that Tempest is in. I don't trust the little bitch as far as I can throw her. It feels like I'm the only person who can see that she wants what Taraji has. From the very first moment that I met her, she was comparing herself to Taraji. She's a hurt little girl looking to hurt someone else, but that someone won't be my fiancé.

Taraji's POV

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Taraji's POV

I sat in the passenger seat of Zion's new car, watching in amusement as she tested all the cool buttons and innovative features of the luxurious vehicle. Now that I have some alone time with her, it's the perfect opportunity for me to gauge how she feels about her mother suddenly liking women when she has liked men since she was born.

Zion: This car is sick! I can't wait to pull up on campus in this!

Taraji: Yeah, Fantasia went all out for you. You deserve it. So um...what do you think about me and your mom's relationship? Does it make you feel uncomfortable in any way?

Zion: Not at all. You've already become like family to us. It's nice to see the way you love on her and make her feel secure. She's gained more confidence in herself since she got with you. As crazy as Kendall was, I really do think he loved her, but I think he loved the idea of her more than anything else. After awhile it felt like they were just faking it, but with you it's real.

Taraji: Thank you. I appreciate you for seeing how much I care about her. I would do anything for your mom. You have my word when I tell you that I'm never going to abandon her or make her feel like she's not enough. Do you want to see the Christmas present I got for her?

Zion nodded her head, curiosity evident on her face. I reached deeply into the pocket of my sparkling jumpsuit, pulling out a tiny velvet box. I opened the box, revealing a key. I can't wait for Fantasia to see what it unlocks.

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