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jisung and chan were at the grocery store together, but for completely different reasons. chan wanted the freshest ingredients for his date and jisung just wanted to pick up a bunch of sweets for him and minho to try together.

one cart was filled with veggies and protein, while the other had various cheesecake items. "isn't that a bit too much?" chan asked the younger. "i could say the same thing! you're buying enough groceries to feed him forever"

chan's ears turned red and he quietly put some of the items back. he decided pasta could be a good meal for them to have together. it was tasty, easy to make, and he could have leftovers so he could actually eat after a day of tattooing people.

jisung and chan parted soon after that. he ran home to change and do his hair. he eyed the unopened box of condoms on his desk, debating on if he would need one. he quickly shook his head, wanting to take his time with such an 'innocent' guy.

changbin was at his apartment speed cleaning everything he could. he even changed to make himself presentable and straightened his hair. it wasn't long before chan knock on the door to his place. "hi bin bin" chan beamed.

changbin adored the new edition to his nickname and practically yanked chan inside. chan couldn't help but admire the setup of his place. it was minimalistic and pure-- just like chan believed changbin to be.

they walked to the kitchen and started prepping everything. well-- chan prepped everything and changbin watched him, his heart eyes on full display. "bin? wanna chop this for me?" chan asked gently, pointing tot he garlic.

"of course!" changbin jumped up and went over to cutting board. he suddenly felt nervous with chan's eyes on him. chan grinned fondly at changbin's wonky chopping. "here.. let me show you" chan mumbled. he got directly behind changbin and pressed against him to show him how to hold the knife.

with chan's hands on his he was doing better. slowly but surely chan moved his hands off of changbin's until he was chopping on his own again. he felt proud of himself and even picked up his pace. "yeah.. just like that" chan whispered into his ear, ending shivers down changbin's spine.

chan pressed himself closer to changbin when he noticed he had stopped chopping. "keep going, bin" he said, lowly. "you're not done yet"

changbin went back to chopping and tried to ignore the sound of chan's voice replaying in his head over and over again. when he was finally done, chan slapped his ass. "good job" he grinned.

changbin ignored his red ears and sat down, deciding he needed to keep his horny brain away from chan before he corrupted him. when chan was done cooking he plated everything and poured them wine. changbin lit candles and lowered the lights to attempt to make it as romantic as possible.

during dinner, they both loosened up. they were no longer afraid to talk to each other or even admit that they were obviously interested in each other. "stay a little longer" changbin whined as they put their plates in the dishwasher.

"anything for you~" chan grinned. changbin rolled his eyes and pretended to be annoyed, but his blushing cheeks gave him away. "go pick a movie or  something.. i'll be there soon!" changbin told the other before running to the bathroom.

chan sat down onto the couch and reached for changbins laptop to pick a movie. when he opened it his eyes shot wide open. he saw some random pornhub profile. he looked at the corner of the screen and let out a small gasp-- he saw the iconic user 'pinkdwaekki'. it was so familiar to him and yet he couldn't remember why.

chan blushed slightly as he tried to imagine the cute and innocent guy he just ate with getting off to all the filthy things people says on their streams. he imagined changbin with flushed cheeks, desperately using whatever was near him to get off. chan's dick nearly twitched at the image his brain created.

he heard the sink shut off so he quickly shut changbin's laptop and put it back where it was.

"hey! you were supposed to pick a movie" changbin pouted, sitting down next to chan. "oh right! i-i couldn't find the remote" chan stammered out, getting even more flustered when he made eye contact with the other.

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