Part one

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It was a typical day, I put on my flowing fall out boy skirt, a black tee which read 'NORMAL PEOPLE SCARE ME' in bold white letters and then finally my favourite dog collar and red converse boots.

You see, I'm not like every other girl..

I walk downstairs and see my mum talking to some strangers at the door, I gasp!

Why it's Gerard way, Frank Iero, Mikey way and Ray Toro.

'Hi y/n, I'm sorry to tell you but me and your father have sold you to the my chemical romance band!'

I gasp, then look up at Gerard, almost immediately our eyes meet, he runs his fingers through his greasy red hair and opens his arms to me.

I run and hold him tight, I don't know what I enjoyed more, his grasp or the sudden smell of sweat and piss.

'We're so happy you've joined our band y/n'

I begin,
'I can't sing?'

Frank tucks my green hair behind my ear,

'Yes... yes you can..'

I smile, shyly I step back and begin to sing...

'Oh well imagine...'

Once I finish I see everyone tear up.


On the ride to my new home I jam out to my favourite Emo songs, Gerard comes to sit next to me,

'What are you listening to y/n?'

'Oh..' I pull out my earphones, 'I fell in love with an Emo girl, by.. machine gun Kelly, you've probably never heard of it, it's pretty underground..'

'No I haven't, wow you must be a real Emo.'

From afar I see Frank watching us, he seems riddled with jealousy,

'Yeah.. I continue.. I bet you've never met a girl like me before..'
I bat my big doe eyes at Gerard as he goes in to kiss me


Frank comes over and pulls him away

'Stop it Gerard! Y/N is mine!


I try to stop them, but my little petite frame was no match for these two men,

'Gerard! Stop!!'
I take his hand

'This isn't you..'

However his eyes had gone black with rage, I knew there was only one thing to get him out of this trance,

I step back and begin to sing..

'Am I more than you bargained for yet..'

He slowly turns my way

'I've been dying to tell you.. anything you wanna hear,'

Gerard slowly smiles

Gerard begins to sing with me, our voices become one..

But then Frank too joins in!

'I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song..'

But I'm then taken a back when Frank and Gerard begin to hold hands..

Before u know it they're singing the most emo chorus of all time together,

'We're going down down in an earlier round, and sugar we're going down swinging!'

I begin to tear up, that was supposed to be mine and Gerard's song!

I want to chime in but Frank kissed Gerard!

'NOOOOOO' I scream!!!!

I throw my dog collar on the ground and begin to cry, the two men ignore me

Ray however comes to comfort me.. He picks my collar off the floor

'I think I like you better..'

And attached it back around my neck..

'Like this..'

I look up. Sure he was no Gerard way, but something about that big curly hair turned me on..

Two weeks later Gerard and Frank got married^^The ceremony was beautiful, but I couldn't help but feel jealous

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Two weeks later Gerard and Frank got married^^
The ceremony was beautiful, but I couldn't help but feel jealous..

Despite the fact me and Ray were engaged, I still had feelings for Gerard, my badboy Emo daddy..

Two days before the wedding I decided to invite one of Franks exs...

I notice him arrive at the end of the ceremony, he whips his black hair over his face and walks over to the groom and groom

'I hope you're happy'


Gerard tightens his grip around Franks arm,

'Frankie... who's this?'

Frank sighs, 'This is my ex, Pete Wentz..'

What they didn't know is that I paid Pete to say he slept the Frank,

'Gerard I thought you may like to know, Frankie, is a still a soft lover..'

'What do you mean by, still..' Gerard asked

'Well last night he gently fucked me to sleep with his light saber,'

Gerard gasped, he lifted his long white gown and ran away

'Gerard, WAIT!!' Frank called out

As everyone was distracted, I made my way to Gerard

I expected to find him crying but when I walked into the grooms room,  I SAW MY FIANCÉ GIVING GERARD HEAD!!!


Frank came in just as I said this, shocked, and tears filling his Jerseyly- brown eyes..

Ray got up,

'So you see..
We're all gay, Y/N, you don't fit in here, you have to leave... but Frank, please, join us..'

Frank smiled

I watched as the orgy took place,

Kinda traumatised, kinda re-born

The end 💕

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