Chapter Seven: Pressure and Preparation

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Rosalyn sprang upright as she was jolted out of her dream. Her heart pounded and the roar of blood in her ears was deafening. It was the same nightmare that she had experienced since the night of the banquet, since the night she opened the box and gained some of her memory.

Every night was filled with screams of children and loud crashes off in the distance. Over and over she screamed for her mother and father, but they never came, and she remained trapped, running through an unrelenting darkness.

She glanced at the clock, only 6:30. After rubbing her eyes and stretching, she threw the covers off and got out of bed. She looked down at Rowena, who was breathing steadily, undisturbed in sleep. She shook her awake.

Rosalyn yawned quietly and walked into the closet and changed into running clothes. She slid the knee length spandex pants on slowly, cursing Ceangailte, Scotland, Evenara, and even Rane White under her breath. After lacing up her tennis shoes, she tiptoed across the living room into the kitchen. Knowing that everyone including herself would want coffee, she started a pot before heading out.

Kallon lay silently watching Rosalyn from his mattress on the floor. He looked at the clock on the stove, and rolled his eyes. He watched her bob quietly around the kitchen, admiring the view that his angle on the floor had gifted him with.

Her athletic yet feminine build was on display in the tight black outfit she wore. Her hair was pulled tightly into a tail, and she wore a neon headband that matched her shoes. She turned from the counter toward him and stared down at an iPod.

He studied her face, her natural beauty on full display. Her big golden eyes looked sleepily down at the iPod in her hand. He watched her lips form into a smile as she found the song she was looking for. She reached down for her earphones and looked in his direction.

He lay propped up on his elbow, grinning widely at her. "Good morning," he said.

"Why are you up?" she asked sharply.

"We really need to work on your manners, darling. I could ask you the same."

"Don't darling me. I woke up, so now I am going for a run." She put one earbud in.

"Mind if I join?" he asked as he rose from the makeshift bed to shake the kinks away.

He wore only plaid pajama bottoms. Rosalyn huffed in exasperation and averted her eyes.

"Ummm, sure. I guess. I'll, umm, just wait outside." She turned and strode out the door and mumbled, "Perfect."

He changed quickly and joined her on the sidewalk. "I'm following you, mate. Take off." He gestured down the sidewalk.

Before starting she put the other earbud in place to warn off any attempts at conversation. It was too early and there was too little sleep or coffee in her system.

They ran at a brisk pace on the sidewalks through the city, passing only a few other morning joggers. As they wound back to the river, she picked up her pace.

He sensed she was working out whatever stress was keeping her up at night and matched her pace silently. Rosalyn looked down at her watch as they bounded across the Walnut Street Bridge. They had been running for five miles. Without warning, Kallon slowed to a stop in the middle of the bridge.

Rosalyn continued for a few more steps before slowing. She paused for a second and braced herself before turning.

He stood facing her, watching cautiously. "I have been having dreams, nightmares, really," he said.

Her eyes snapped up from the water below and widened. "Dreams? What kind of dreams?" She stepped toward him.

"I keep reliving the vision I had when I touched my key that night. I am in a dark tunnel. It's all dark, and there is chaos all around me. I can hear Astrid crying beside me as I drag her with me through the darkness. A lot of times, I am crying, too."

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