Chapter Three: Ceangailte

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The old stone stairs, lined with urns full of greenery and soft-colored flowers, stretched up to a set of heavy wooden doors. Sconces alit with flames were mounted on the walls on either side. The sun was setting at their backs, and the gold and pink hues washed over the structure, making the many turrets and balconies glow. Deep green ivy climbed the stone from the ground to the highest turrets.

"Wow," Alex and Rowena said together.
"I am a princess," Rosalyn said. "At least for five days."

They turned back to grab their luggage, and stopped with their hands on their bags. They all straightened slowly to see the quaint valley town below and the sun that was sinking behind the hills in the distance.

"I've never seen so many colors in one sunset," Rowena said, breathlessly. "The way the greens and purples on the hills meet the colors of the sky," she trailed off, painting the scene into her memory.

They stood in silence for a moment. "It is beautiful, but I am starving. Maybe they provided dinner tonight," Alex stated hopefully.

"Hello. Welcome to Ceangailte," a smooth voice said from behind.

They whipped around to find the face that matched the voice. A slender, young woman wearing a black long-sleeved dress that hugged her lean body stood at the foot of the stairs smiling genially. Her plump lips were the color of wine, contrasting her white teeth brilliantly. Half of her raven hair was clipped back in a professional style that framed her ivory face. She couldn't be a year or two older than herself, if that, Rosalyn mused.

Rowena covered a giggle with a cough and sent an elbow into Alex's ribs when she saw his mouth drop open.

"My name is Rane White," she said, offering her hand to Alex. "I believe we spoke on the phone." Rane graciously hid her amusement, but Rosalyn caught a hint of humor hidden behind her emerald eyes.

Alex fought hard to gather his thoughts and cleared his throat before taking her outstretched hand. "Uhh, yes. Hi, Alex Campbell."

"Nice to finally meet you, all of you," she shifted her eyes to meet Rosalyn's. "You must be Rosalyn."

"Yes," she said hesitantly, wondering how she knew that. "Very nice to meet you." When their eyes met, Rosalyn understood why her brother was so flustered and felt rather dumbstruck herself. She wasn't sure if she had ever met someone quite so beautiful. There was something stunningly regal about her face.

"And Rowena," she said sweetly.

Rowena wrapped Rane in one of her energetic hugs. "This place is amazing. Like I'm low-key trying not to freak out."

Rosalyn let out an exasperated laugh and apologized for her sister. "Please, excuse our sister. She has never really known a stranger."

As Rowena released her, Rane's professional exterior cracked a little, and she let out a nervous giggle. Collecting herself, she took a step back to smooth her dress. "It's, uh, perfectly fine, and I am so glad you all were able to come. I am sure you all are exhausted from the long journey here, and I believe I overheard someone enquiring about dinner." Her gaze shifted to Alex, who had recovered most of his senses.

"Umm. Yes, that would have been me. I didn't mean to impose," he said, a little embarrassed and rubbed a hand at the back of his neck.

"Nonsense," she said and waved the notion away. "All meals will be provided during your stay here, if you wish. Dinner was served earlier tonight, but we still have food waiting to be warmed in the kitchen for those that are arriving late. Would you like dinner in your rooms or in one of the dining halls?"

They all looked at each other. Rowena shrugged, "Well, Alex and I slept most of the way, so we are good. Roz, it's up to you."

"The dining hall will be fine, thank you," Rosalyn assured.

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