Chapter 10

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And as suddenly as she fell asleep, she awoke the next morning.

Luz took her phone of charger and looked at the time, *6 AM*

She groaned and wanted to go back to sleep, only to find she was not sleepy at all.

Luz got up and stared at her bed as if it betrayed her, she was always sleepy in the mornings, even if something exciting was happening she needed at least a solid 10 minutes of rolling around to get up.

But now.., she was wide awake, not feeling tired in the least, that was..almost creepy.

Was this another side effect of her 'defense mechanism'.

She needed more information, she walked to the window, her mom was just leaving for an early shift.

Luz literally got up at the exact most convenient moment she could.

Well..that did nothing to help her being creeped out by the situation.

But Luz decided to ignore that..or at least tried to.

She dressed in a hurry, leaving her house and not even saying anything to Vee, she needed to know more, this was seriously scaring her.

She quickly walked towards the library, hoping it would be as abandoned as always.

And to her luck it was.

She quickly walked down to the basement and started her search.

Luz looked through book after book, but to no luck, until something else caught her eye.

*Magic and its use - for witches of all skill levels*

Well Luz could not resist reading this, now could she.

*Up to this date there are several ways to practice magic, the oldest and widely considered least effective way, is the use of paper, parchment or other written means, to write the glyphs on and then activate these by touch.*

Somehow, Luz felt personally attacked by this.

The least effective way you say, 'Well let's see what better, more effective means you have',' she thought, stubbornly reading on.

*Because of this, the practice had been mostly abandoned, the impracticality of it severely hindering the witch.*

'Yes, yes impractical, now get on with it,' she thought, defensive over her paper glyphs.

*The way glyphs are used these days, is for a witch to have them etched into their body, usually by the means of temporary paint or indefinitely by tattooing them on the skin, with this method, witch can than visualize the glyph, to summon it anywhere on her body she pleases, for example by having the light glyph etched, you can imagine it and summon light from the tip of the finger, on top of your head or from you leg, if you for some reason wanted.*

'Etched into their body', read Luz again, she was unsure if this was for her. The advantages however were hard to ignore, on multiple occasions she had trouble when her glyphs ran out, the thought of never having to deal with that problem.., it would help a lot, especially in combat.

*The witch then combines their etched glyphs with one of the advanced casting techniques of their choice, after a witch has managed that, they are considered full members of the Order, having the benefits of..*

The text continued on about some benefits, about courts and standing, and such, which Luz did not read, as those were no longer relevant.

She needed to wrap her head around this, so you had glyphs on your body and then you used some techniques.

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