Chapter 6

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When Luz arrived home, she found it empty, her mother was still at work and Vee in school, she quickly headed for her room.

'Should I tell mom about this...?' She asked herself, she could picture the conversation, 'Hi mom, so funny story, you know the library right, where I went, I felt like a magical presence there, could you maybe idk. do something about that.. or right only think you can do is forbid me from going outside and locking me here, for 'MY SAFETY', I totally understand, nice chat, I am soooo glad I told you.'

Yea, her mom would not hear a word out of her about any of this, it would make things even more difficult for Luz for one and she could not do anything at all about the situation even if Luz told her.

Presuming there even was a situation to deal with, she got scared and ran away, but that presence responded to her question and request for help, she asked if someone was there to help, and good old mister wall phantom came to say hi.

After which she ran, which was also kinda ungrateful now that she thought about this, maybe she should go back to apologize, bring a present maybe, what kinds of things do phantoms eat, do they eat at all?

Maybe a a phantom that lives in a library, excellent idea Luz, nothing could go wrong with that..not like he/she/they have an abundance of those..

She got up, but remained standing halfway to the door..,she did not want to go back, even if the thing was summoned by her, it creeped her out so much, she never really wanted to encounter it again.

'If I do not go back now, I might never encounter it again tho.'

'That's kinda what I want to happen.'

'Can I really risk that?? It might be the only way to learn more.'

'But it was so scaaary.'

'And that's why I am going to chicken out.., because I am scared??'

Her own mind was waging a war, leaving her undecided in the middle of her room.

She quickly glanced at her mirror, checking if she was visually alright and jumped back so hard she fell and hit her head.

"ouwe ouwe ouwe", she could not help but say, as she got up as fast as she could, to get to her mirror and confirm what she just saw, "Well this complicates the situation.", she said solemnly, 'Heloo vampire Luz', her eyes were once again bloodshot, skin pale.

Now this was a problem, if her mother saw her looking like this again, it would lead to another argument and Luz really did not want that to happen, she also could not really go out like this..

'Make up??', she thought for a moment, before abandoning the idea, she was bad at putting on makeup and that was saying it lightly, there was no way she could hide how she looked right now, the skin and red veins maybe, but eyes..there was just no way, if she went outside, she risked getting an ambulance called on her..

Well, called for her..but there was little difference really.. and with her having an unknown condition, rooted in magic in which no one believed in, she would be put in quarantine and probably never saw the light of day, sooo no more library today.

It was at that exact moment, when she decided she could not go, her brain finished its civil war and decided that it was her only way of ever getting more information and not going was akin to abandoning her friends, 'Goodbye indecisiveness, helooo depression.'

'I need to distract myself with something.', decided Luz, now wanting to go, but resolved not to risk it.

Music, that was always a good distraction and she was gone for quite a while, soo maybe some new songs dropped, time to check, she opened up YouTube..

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