"Can we join?" I asked
"The more the merrier" A guy replied before shrugging

Then the guy spined the bottle and the cap landed on Sharon, a classmate and the base on Helen making Helen be the one to ask.

"Truth or dare?" Helen asked
"Truth" Sharon replied
"What was the last dirty text you sent?" Helen responded


Sharon awkwardly brought out her phone and scrolled through her chats.

"How about we skip dinner and you can eat me instead..." Sharon read out before awkwardly putting her phone back

How about cringe?

Sharon spined the bottle and it landed on a classmate and Nathan. With the cap on Nathan.

"Truth or dare?"the guy asked
"Dare" Nathan replied
"I dare you to...perform a strip tease for 2 minutes"
"Oh lord" He muttered
"Play the music!" I yelled excited and 'Pony' started playing and he groaned in defeat as he danced and pranced around like a monkey before throwing his shirt off and Raine caught it as she cheered him on, making me burst out laughing.

"45" Raine yelled counting

He was left in a black tanktop revealing his hot sculpted body, suddenly he  walk over to Raine to what appeared to be "seductive" and started to tease her by touching her sensitive parts. But it was strictly PG. Making Raine blush as he danced along to the music before grinding against her as he got his tanktop off making the women drool.

"Damn" A female classmate at my left muttered as she drooled at Nathan's body

"10 seconds left!" The guy yelled and Nathan continued prancing around making all of us in the room burst out laughing.
"Time up!" A girl yelled and the music stopped

Nathan spinned the bottle and the cap landed on Helen and the base on Tiana

"Truth or Dare?" Tiana asked
"Dare" Helen replied
"I dare you to kiss whoever the cap of the bottle lands on for 30 seconds" Tiana said and Helen nodded in anticipation.

She spined the bottle and it landed on Mateo and she rolled her eyes.

The guy wasn't bad, but she looked like she wasn't expecting him and she reluctantly kissed him on the lips for 30 seconds and she did look like she was enjoying it.

The game continued until the bottle cap landed on me for the first time this night and the base on Nathan.

Oh fucking no.

"Truth or Dare?" He asked with a smirk playing on his lips
"Dare" I breath through my lips.

Nathaniel smirked in satisfaction as his plan was going well.

"I dare you to French kiss, Mr. Armani" He said calmly and Helen gasped.

"WHAT? How do you want me to do that? He's my teacher!"  I yelled in disbelief.

"Exactly! More reason why you should do that, the man is hot!" Nathaniel said as he shrugged.
"That's going to be hard!" Sharon adviced
"Because I'm not going to do it!" I exclaimed
"Excuse me!" Raine said before disappearing
"But getting a kiss from him wouldn't be half bad." Tiana said with a smirk on her face like she was drooling.
"You HAVE to do it, everyone did theirs" Tiana said
"Lemme think about it till then we can continue..." I said and the game continued

As the game proceeded I got a text from Raine.

As the game proceeded I got a text from Raine

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☆☆☆☆☆To be continued

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To be continued...

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