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By now it's only a month before the festival and I train my ass off. My arms are sore and my back aches. Some evenings I visit Izuku when he's dancing alone. The first time I saw him dance ballet, my mouth dropped. He is so damn flexible and light on his feet. It's like his whole demeanor changes. Apparently he's doing a group dance hip hop for the festival but he's stressing about an audition coming up. We even started hanging out at each other's dorms to help each other study. It's weird this whole friends thing, but I can't seem to let him go.

After our argument and the start of friendship? he had this big audition with the routine I let his body through. He begged for me to be there at every practice for it so I could give him tips. And as much as I acted like I hated being there, I couldn't help but ache for the sight of him moving or stroking, gripping his skin while helping.

Every single time we'd end up looking at each other too long for just being friends and I'd walk him back to his dorm. He nailed the audition and came with the news by giving me a big hug and buying drinks. Since then hugs have become more familiar between us and he's the only one to ever do so. Any excuse to be able to have him close is good to me. I've really gotten it bad, fucking embarressing.

Every time we hang out, tension grows and I swear it's the same for him. I really fucking hope so.

He'd thank me for whatever by chilling at practice of my own or sending me notes on my drumming. Just like today, the rest of my friends have already left the practice room, but I'm still playing. I'm so close to perfecting it.

Izuku texted that he'd come by. It's a late Wednesday night and I'm exhausted.

I'm hitting the last bass before the door opens.

"Hi, Kacchan." He smiles and the nickname takes me by surprise. Is he making fun of me?

"What the fuck. Where did that come from?" He laughs and I ignore how my eyes linger on the freckles covering a button nose and puffed cheeks.

"No where, just thought you needed to be called something sweet to balance out your cockiness."

"Oh so that's the game we're playing at? Since you're oh so kind but oh so dumb, I'm reclaiming the name Deku." I smirk and he pushes his fist on my shoulder. "But that's a mean one!" "Nah, I don't have a mean intention with it." I don't miss the way a blush creeps on his face. I hate the way it makes me want to create it again.

"Why don't you try playing something? Let's see if all you watching me kick ass paid off."

And knowing him, he doesn't back out from a challenge. "Sure. Be prepared to be amazed, Kacchan." He puts on a daring face and I give him the drum sticks.

He sits down and he's fucking terrible at it. A child could play better.

"Wow you're actually horrible, Deku." He pouts. "No I'm not! You just don't recognize talent since you have none. Not my fault." He raises his shoulders and ticks the two sticks together.

"Get off. Don't even try me or I'll beat your ass."

He rolls his eyes and moves off so I can sit down again. He watches my every move as I pull my sleeves up. "Like what you see?" I grin. "Shut up!"

I look at him and he just stands there smiling, not understanding.

"Well come on, then. I'll teach you."


"Get on Izuku, or are you too scared?" I smirk and he fumbles.

"I'm not afraid."

Envious Desire /bkdk/ College AUWhere stories live. Discover now