2 Demands and a Wedding

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Nanon was desperate. He was beyond desperate, he was panicking. He could not go back to another life time of abuse. He had had his fair share with Korn. But he also knew that he was not in a place to say no. His father had already decided his fate and the Emperor of the North had sealed it. As an Omega, he anyway did not have much say.

The only thing he could think about right now was contacting Jimmy. He knew the Colonel, bless his soul, would go to any extent to get Nanon out of this situation. He had seen first-hand how miserable Nanon had been with Korn. The gaslighting, the causal pushes, the eventual slaps. He had been with Nanon all through out. Only he would know what to do. Nanon ran a hand through is usually messy hair. He had to do something.

Nanon was at his workstation, his safe place. He knew that no one, whom he did not want to see, could enter. Despite this, he shut the door to be safe and closed all the curtains through which the setting sun was shining. He went to his desk, lit an oil lamp, grabbed a piece of parchment along with a pen and began writing.

Dear Jim,

I need you to rescue me from the Emperor of the North. I cannot take another lifetime of abuse. Please come and help me.



Nanon picked up the parchment in his hands and ran the words over and over in his head. "No, I cannot send this letter," The wave of sheer panic and desperation had settled. "Jimmy is deployed to the borders. He already has enough to worry about. I cannot possibly ask him to go against the King he has sworn allegiance to. It would be an act of treason." Nanon sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his hair again.

There was a knock on his door. "Who is it?" yelled Nanon. Trying to get is shaking voice under control.

"Your Majesty, it's me." It was Gun, one of his most trusted Omegas in waiting.

Nanon knew he did not need to hide the letter from him. He could see Nanon's emotions as clear as day, after all they had been friends for roughly 18 years now. Gun was the son of the royal cook, who accompanied Nanon during his play time. Over the years he had earned Nanon's trust and friendship. Other than Jimmy, if there was anyone Nanon could confide in, it was Gun.

"Your Majesty," Gun sighed, taking in Nanon's dishevelled appearance and the tear tracks on his cheeks. "Oh Nanon, I am so sorry! Come here," he said, offering him one of his magical hugs. Nanon practically melted into his arms.

"I wish there was a way out Phi. I have tried to think of everything. In a few days I'll be married to a cruel, unforgiving man who would control me for the rest of my life. I just want this to be a nightmare." Despite Nanon's belief that by now he had exhausted all his tears, his eyes were now freely flowing.

"Pardon me, Nanon if this is out line," Gun said from above him. "What if we manage to send a message to the Great Emperor himself, informing him that you are against this match? He couldn't still be willing to marry you if he knows that you do not wish to go through with this wedding."

Nanon thought that over. That would not go well. What if the Alpha reacts badly? What if he has anger issues beyond Nanon's or Gun's imagination? He may wipe out the entire kingdom just because he was rejected by Nanon.

"No, Phi," Nanon said, wiping his tears and walking towards his bed, the parchment still in hand. "I will be hurting my people by doing so. Mother said that this marriage was essential for the safety of our people..."

He turned around to see his mother, the Queen enter the room. "Leave us," the Queen ordered. She wanted to talk to Nanon in private. Gun bowed to the Queen and left quietly.

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