LXXII. No Match For Big Eatie

Start from the beginning

"It was... hard to watch."

"Hasn't he hurt them enough?" Mae cried.

"He wants to use her for some kind of test," Darius continued.

Brooklynn tugged at Eva's shirt. "Lemme see your stomach."

Eva sighed, then lifted her shirt. She noticed Kenji's eyes flitted to her stomach, and he swallowed.

"Bruises are greenish-yellow. They're getting better, but I'd still take it easy, Eva."

"What on earth happened?" Mae asked.

"I sorta got my ass handed to me by a hybrid dinosaur..."

"The Scorpios might be giving Jayla Donovan a run for her money," Kenji joked.

Eva laughed, gripping at her sides in a half-grimace.

"You and I both know I would have kicked Jayla's ass."

"And yet you didn't."


What would life be like back at Rutherford? Eva kept thinking about going back, about returning to the mainland, but what about her spot on the lacrosse team? She was playing on scholarship. Was that handed to someone else? Would she even get a spot on the team again? Will she still be under careful watch of the staff? What would happen between her and Kenji? How would Kenji and Eva fair together? They could handle dinosaurs, sure, but high school was its own version of hell on earth, and the way some kids acted, it totally rivalled being hunted by dinosaurs.

But not Kenji, she told herself. That was my mistake.

Eva scrunched her eyes shut, still hating herself for how she acted towards Kenji for so long. He was always her friend, but she was just an asshole.

In the distance, a dinosaur roared.

"That's Pierce!" Mae informed, attempting to stand on her feet, only to fall back against her rock.

"No, no, no, you need to rest."

"But if Kash is hurting him like he did Big Eatie..."

"Don't worry. We'll go."


The drones led Pierce into the yard in front of the compound while the campers watched. A moment later, another set of drones led in Big Eatie from the right side.

"He's gonna force them to fight," Darius realized.

"He wouldn't."

"It adds up," Eva said. "Dosing the food, making them more aggressive, seeing how strong they are, Mae's research..."

"He doesn't care how dinosaurs feel. He only wanted to know how they'd do in a fight."

Brooklynn held her hands against her heart, "But Pierce is no match for Big Eatie. He'll be slaughtered."

Pierce and Big Eatie roared at each other.

"Guys, I know that phone is our only way off this island, but we have to—"

"Save them."

"Yeah, we do!"

"I guess," Eva muttered.

"Wait, really? I mean, I, I was gonna—"

"Give one of your classic 'save the dinos' speech? No need bro, we're with you," Kenji said.

Darius looked to Eva and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" she asked, cluelessly.

Kenji shoved her shoulder.

"Yeah, y-yeah, with you to save the dinos. Whoo!"

"Could've sounded more convincing," Brooklynn commented.

"I'm still gonna dip when the supply plane comes back—"


"— But, I'm with you here, Darius."

Brooklynn rolled her eyes. "Kash must be controlling those drones from his compound. If we can get in there, we can disable them and keep the dinos from hurting each other."

"We'll have to lure him out of there, first," Darius said.

"I got some ideas on that front," Ben began, snacking on a carob bar— he still had those?

"Perfect. Sammy, you're with Ben. Once Kash leaves his compound..."

"We'll trail him," Brooklynn said, nudging Kenji. "Make sure he stays out."

"Okay. Yaz, Eva, you guys and I will get past the raptors, sneak into the compound, and get control of the drones."

Eva sighed dramatically, falling backwards as Yaz stood.

"Hey, are you guys sure?"

"I got this," Yasmina smiled confidently.

"Do I have to?" Eva asked. "I mean, can't I go with Brooklynn and Kenji?"

"If she wants to come with...?" Kenji began.

"Yeah, sure," Darius agreed. "Yaz and I got this."

Eva nodded gratefully, rushing to her feet. She ran after Brooklynn and Kenji, who were sneaking off into the jungle.


"Uh, when Kash comes out, how are we gonna keep him from going back inside?"

"Hmm... I was kinda thinking we'd sacrifice you?" Brooklynn joked.

"You could sacrifice me, free of charge," Eva said with a laugh.

"Absolutely not," Kenji said.

"Yeah, we need you here with us," Brooklynn said as she tucked some pink hair behind her ears. "You're kinda the thing that keeps me going..."

"Stop, you're gonna make me blush," Eva said, that very blush creeping up her neck.

"Hitting on my girlfriend in front of me? Bold move, Brooklynn."

"I think you should be more worried about me," Eva laughed. She pulled Brooklynn into her side, and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"Eva!" Kenji whisper shouted.

"Chill!" she laughed. "Brooklynn is like the sister I've never had. That was an all-philia forehead kiss."

"Philia?" Brooklynn questioned.

"You know, the deep, long-lasting affectionate love you give to your friends?"

"Oh, like Yaz and Sammy?" Kenji guessed.

"No, they're in love with each other. They don't count."

"Darius and Brooklynn?"

"In love," Eva responded, nonchalantly.

"What? I— I, I am not in love with Darius," Brooklynn said, tucking hair behind her ear.

"I'm talking Ben and Bumpy. Like, that raw love you give your bestie."

"I am not in love with Darius," Brooklynn repeated.

"Oh, so, like, you and Kai?" Kenji asked. 

"You and Sammy."

"Me? In love with Darius? You're— you're crazy."

"You and Brooklynn. I get it now. Philia. I love that. What are we?"

"I would say eros, but I feel like we're still in that ludus— playful, fun kinda love."



"Darius? Pfffttt. No."

Pierce and Big Eatie roared at each other, breaking up their little moment.

Kenji leaned into Eva. "She's definitely in love with D."

Brooklynn had turned the same shade as her hair.

"Look," B said, pointing at Kash exiting the building.

"Let's go."

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