Alfia and Riveria babysit (One-shot)

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In the city of Orario two of the most powerful and renowned mages were both standing outside a beautiful two story home with a small grassy garden in front, and surrounded by a a fence and a metal gate.

Alfia: So.........They called you as well, I said I was more than enough for this.

Riveria: Funny, I said the same thing. Why don't you go back home now, I can handle the rest.

Alfia: Hoh? You alone? I don't think so you hag.

Riveria: What was that!

Alfia: You heard me, you-

Before she could finish her words, the door to the house began to open making Alfia and Riveria change their focus.

The door opened revealing the figures of two people. Bell Cranel, and Aiz Cranel.

When the two of them opened the door, Riveria and Alfia gave each other a short glance before turning back to the two and giving them a warm smile.

Riveria: *Smile* Aiz, Bell. I'm so happy to see you too!

Alfia: *Smile* And the same goes for me too.

Bell: Mother, miss Riveria, I'm so glad you two could make it.

Alfia: *Smile* Oh we wouldn't miss this for the world my dear~

Riveria: Come now Bell, how many times have I said to just call me Riveria, or mother if you wish. I am your mother in law now.

Bell: *Nervous chuckle* I'll try.

Aiz: Why don't we go back inside so we can finish up quickly.

Riveria: That would be great.

Aiz and Bell have been married for a year and a half. While Aiz was growing up, Riveria took on the role of a mother figure, raising her. So, it's not surprising that when Aiz got older and married Bell, Riveria continued to be like a mother to Aiz. On the other hand, Alfia is Bell's biological mother. She, along with Bell's grandfather, raised him until he moved to Orario to pursue his dreams. Later on, Alfia decided to move to the city to be closer to her son.

As the four of them entered the cozy house, a sense of tranquility settled over the living room. Aiz, with a gentle smile, headed to another room, leaving Bell, Riveria, and Alfia to find their places. The tension that lingered from the earlier argument between Riveria and Alfia had dissipated, as if it never happened.

Bell: I still can't thank you enough for doing this for us.

Riveria dismissed his thanks with a wave as she said-

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