Zeus and Hera (Part 5)

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It has been a few hours since Meteria and Cynthia returned to the Hera Manor, there hasn't been any news related to Bell Cranel and his whereabouts. Meteria's worries are increasing every minute, she's been walking around back and forth around the living room of the manor and it is getting harder for Cynthia to calm her down.

Hera Manor

Meteria: Its already been hours and we still haven't heard anything about my baby!

Cynthia: Please calm down my lady, Im sure everyone is searching everywhere in Orario to find the young master.

Meteria: Calm down?! I cant do such a thing! I think I should go out as well to look for my boy!

Cynthia: But my lady your health! You mustn't it wont be good for you!

Meteria: *Crying* But I cant just sit still doing nothing while my baby is out there alone!

Cynthia: Have faith in the others Meteria sama, besides if you go out there and your health worsens, Im sure the young master will be saddened. Im sure you wouldn't want the young master to be sad.

Meteria: *Sniff* Your right.

Cynthia: Please sit my lady, I shall brew you refreshing tea that can calm the nerves of of even the most anxious of adventurers.


Meanwhile with Bell

Bell: Thank you for the food it was all really delicious! Goodbyeeee!

Merchant: Your most welcome! Come again soon!

Bell, now dressed normally without any potato costume walked away from the potato stand after a long while.

Bell: *Woah that was so much fun! I wonder what I should do next?*

While walking a shadowy figure appeared behind Bell calling out his name.

???: Hey kid!

Bell turned around a bit startled at the man who called out to him.

Bell: Hm?

???: You look lost, how about you come with us? We can help you find your way back home.

Bell may be a child and naïve most of the time, but he was always told and reminded to never go with strangers no matter their looks or their attitudes. And Bell remembered those teaching very well

1 year Flashback

A young three your old Bell Cranel was sitting beside his Family members from both the Zeus and Hera Familia's. In most cases neither of these Familia's would be cooperative enough to dine together, but this case was different. Bell has been wanting all his Family by his side to eat like any child would want and today for the first time it happened. Members of the Zeus Familia have been invited to the Hera's Manor for dinner.

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