Chapter 5 - Lullaby

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A contract was shoved against Bilbo's chest by Thorin. "We thought we'd only have one burglar, hence there only being one contract," Balin said to Blair.

"Just sign by his name," Thorin said. "Or don't." Blair read the contract over Bilbo's shoulder. He mumbled random phrases as he read, until he came to a certain part that made both him and Blair stop.

"Laceration," he said aloud. "Evisceration! Inceration?" At the last part he put down the contract and looked back at the table. Blair took the contract from him and read further. Profit wasn't a guarantee. Injuries on the other hand, seemed to be. She looked up and saw Thorin whisper something incoherent to Gandalf.

"Agreed," she heard him whisper back. She turned her attention back to Bilbo, who had a hand on his forehead and the other on his hip.
"He'll melt your flesh off in the blink of an eye!" Bofur said, getting up out of his seat. Bilbo let out a sharp breath. "Think furnace, with wings!" He continued.

"Air, I need air," Bilbo mumbled, closing his eyes. Blair put a hand on his shoulder and gave Bofur a look to stop. Either he didn't notice or didn't care.

"Flash of light, searing pain, POOF! You're nothing more than a pile of ash!" Bofur added, putting extra emphasis on the 'poof'. Suddenly, Bilbo straightened up and breathed out.

"Nope," he said before fainting. Blair quickly caught him before he hit the ground.

"Very helpful, Bofur," Gandalf said. During all this, Thorin watched Blair, who had been reading the contract without batting an eye.
Gandalf came over and helped Blair carry Bilbo to an armchair. Blair sighed.

"I'll go make some tea for when he wakes up," she said, going back to the kitchen. She started boiling water in a kettle on the stove. She stared at the water boiling, deep in thought. She wasn't exactly sure why her and her brother were needed on this adventure. No matter how many books she read, she knew she wasn't prepared for the world outside the Shire. Especially if a dragon was out there. Plus, she had a livelihood here.

She could almost hear laughter inside her head at her own thoughts. This was a once in a lifetime experience. The hobbits of the Shire could live with a few weeds in their gardens. The dwarves needed help. It was no different than helping a traveler on a road, or baking something for someone. It was just . . . a longer timespan of help. But then she thought of her brother. There was no way he would do this. She could feel any hope of going on the adventure fade away. Doing this without him would be too hard.

The sound of a whistling kettle jolted her out of her thoughts. She quickly grabbed it and set it on the counter. She looked up suddenly and saw Thorin standing in the doorway, arms crossed. Startled, she let out a sharp breath. He continued to stand there, watching her. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Did you want some?" she asked, pouring water into Bilbo's mug. He shook his head. After a few moments of silence, Blair asked, "Then what do you want?"

Thorin almost raised his eyebrows, a little taken aback by her forwardness. He cleared his throat. "I want you to tell Gandalf you do not want to go on this journey," he replied, not breaking eye contact. Blair set down the kettle and studied him. He seemed stoic in the faint candlelight, casting a small glow on his features. His eyes looked like ice; A different expression than what she saw when she saw him at the door. For some reason, this very expression erased all doubts in her mind. She felt like she had something to prove. To herself.

"I have already made up my mind," Blair finally said. "I will be going." Thorin uncrossed his arms and walked closer to the counter. Blair hesitated for a moment. "Gandalf says I can be of some help, so I think I must at least try." Thorin stopped until the counter was the only thing between them.

Reverie - 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓷 𝓞𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭 𝔁 𝓞𝓒Where stories live. Discover now