Chapter 13 - Enchanting

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"We have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact. And respect. And no small degree of charm," Gandalf explained. "Which is why you will leave the talking to me."

Some of the dwarves nodded in agreement to this, others blatantly glared at him. Blair barely heard what he'd said, still watching the city with wonder. As the group started walking down towards the city, she stumbled to the back, wanting to take in everything. Bilbo fell in beside her, sharing in her awe.

"This is breathtaking," Blair breathed.

"Truly," Bilbo replied, just as amazed as her. They made their way down a path carved into the cliff side. Eventually they came to a beautiful white wooded bridge with beautifully carved arches in rows above them. Blair and Bilbo both stared up at them as they passed under. Most of the dwarves stayed silent, unwilling to give the elves the satisfaction of being amazed at their home. Some of the younger ones, specifically Ori and Kili, gaped at the beauty. At the end of the bridge, a wide almost landing area sat, halfway surrounded by trees, across of them sat a long staircase leading to the extensive wooded home.

"Mithrandir!" a voice called. All the dwarves whipped their heads around to see who the voice belonged to.

The being walking down the stairs was exactly like how Blair imagined an elf to be, but different at the same time. He was tall and lean, with dark brown hair and pale skin. A gold crown laid upon his brow and robes of deep red and purple gently glided down the stairs with him.

"Ah, Lindir!" Gandalf greeted. They both bowed to each other, hands on their hearts. The whole thing felt very regal, and suddenly Blair felt self conscious about her tangled curls and weather-worn clothes.

"Stay sharp," Thorin muttered quietly to Dwalin. Both were holding their weapons in front of them. Blair had read of the hatred between dwarves and elves, but seeing it in person was something entirely different. She felt rather uncomfortable standing behind the two for some reason. Glancing to the side and seeing Bilbo calmed her nerves for a few moments.

Lindir began speaking in elvish to Gandalf, the language rolling off his tongue naturally.
"I must speak with Lord Elrond," Gandalf requested.

"My Lord Elrond is not here," he replied, an apologetic look on his face. Blair was surprised that they weren't already talking to whoever this Lord Elrond is. She couldn't possibly imagine someone more regal looking than this elf before them.

"Not here? Where is he?" Gandalf asked, his bushy gray brows raising at the news. As if on cue, a loud hunting horn rang through the city. Blair's heart leapt out of her chest, the noise breaking the tranquility of the place. All the dwarves turned quickly towards the sound in time to see multiple horses galloping towards them, their riders clothed in armor and carrying spears.

"Close ranks!" Thorin yelled. Before she could react, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her in the middle of the dwarves, who had formed a circle in the blink of an eye. Bilbo was pushed into the middle, too, looking as alarmed as Blair. The elves on horseback started circling around them, as if closing in on prey. Blair tried to look for Gandalf in the midst of the chaos, but only saw the back of Gloin and Balin's heads, as well as their brandished weapons. She hadn't noticed how quickly everyone got out their weapons, ready to fight any oncoming attack. The circle around them started slowing down and the elves on top of the horses all turned their heads. Blair followed their gazes to an especially decorated elf with a breastplate of gold. He looked similar to Lindir, but had fine lines etched into his features and a rather large forehead. Still, the way he carried himself gave off an aura of wisdom and regolness.

"Gandalf!" the elf said, getting off his horse elegantly. All the dwarves continued to hold up their weapons, tense and ready for action.

"Lord Elrond!" Gandalf replied, emerging into the circle and speaking something in elvish. The elf replied in elvish and the two embraced.

Reverie - 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓷 𝓞𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭 𝔁 𝓞𝓒Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu