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Danny hummed as he looked at the list of things he had gathered from sneaking around. Considering that his parents thought that he had a high ectoplasm contamination and was the reason why all their weapons kept activating around him, they had included a program that will ignore his ecto-signature in all their projects. This meant that he could sneak around and use a bit of his ghostly power without transforming. His transformed state will alert all the defense and alert his parents. Although the bright side was the small frame of window for him to transform and get out, or get in and switch back.

He had to be quick though.

So far, from his little investigation, all the victims were smaller than Dash and he had yet to go above molestation and the worse he had done was have them go down on him. He was very careful not to cross the line to outright penetrative rape. Dash had also used his fame and his size to whittle down on their confidence and cornered them into isolating themselves. Only one was really gay, the other one was bi, while the last one was unsure. Danny didn't know if they started out that way or had been gaslighted into seeing themselves that way.

Dash was very careful with his victims. He made sure that they kept their mouth shut. Danny wondered if he should visit them as Phantom to have them spill the bean. But the fact that they all had been manipulated into thinking that they allowed it would make this very hard for Danny to have them cooperate. Especially when the gay one thought that they were really in a relationship, except it had to be kept secret because apparently Dash's parents weren't a supporter of gay rights. That would explain his roundabout way of doing things and need to have a rotation of girls around him.

Having no familial support was still no excuse to behave like a scum.

He closed his note app on his phone as he returned to Elsa's side. She had been growing suspicious about his disappearing act. Although she did not question as she believed him to be doing his 'job'. He wasn't sure if he wanted to involve her. Elsa had been very patient with his new state of mind to always cling to her. He had been worried that she would tire of his need to plaster himself to her.

Some days, he had to fight to not just go 'inside' her and 'nest' there.

Elsa looked up when he settled beside her, closer than was proper, and handed him a small tin box. He smiled, knowing that she was feeding him again. Things like these made it hard for him to not just come out and confess his feelings for her. Especially the fact that she might think that he was confusing his feelings for his ghostly affection with his 'lair'. Because of that, he said nothing and will take whatever came his way.

She asked him, "How did you do with you algebra?"

Danny hummed as he chewed on Gummy Ghost, "So much better than the last exam,"

Ever since he claimed Elsa as his Lair, ghosts have been scarce. He thought it was strange as Amity Park wasn't his. When he asked Frostbite about the matter during his last health check up, he was told that his power had increased even more in response to defend Elsa. Because of this, he had been letting out a special kind of ghost pheromone warning other ghosts from entering Amity Park.

That would have been useful when he actually needed to keep them in line.

Tucker plopped his ass across from them, "Man! That algebra exam was insane! I almost thought I was in an alien alternate reality when I saw all those questions! Who was the creator of algebra, anyway? I sure hope that guy or gal is in hell for this!"

Danny snorted, "I doubt it. Maybe they're somewhere in the Ghost Zone?"

Elsa quirked a brow, "And what are you going to do should they really be in the Ghost Zone? Chase them and beat them up for a bunch of numbers?"

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