SnowCheek & DeadOnCommand

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Sam asked, "And why do you need to make it stupid and fictitious?"

Danny shrugged, "Trigger happy government? Trigger happy mad scientist parents? What did you guys planned to write?" He changed the topic.

Sam hummed, "Something much more worthy of my time, nature preservation and the importance of rain forest to our planet's ecology,"

Tucker grinned, "Evolution of technologies for the next decade or so and where we will be,"

Mr Lancer made his presence know, "Alright, people. You have until end of semester, and thus your final, to complete your project," He glared at Danny, "Make sure you hand it in or I will hold you back from graduating until I'm too old to teach,"

Danny slumped with his hand over his head, mumbling, "Sheesh, he's already ancient. How old is too old, anyway? Seriously,"

Once classes end, Danny was quick to join Elsa after a quick "bye" to his friends. Elsa took him to her usual picnic table and opened Twilight. He sat beside her and leaned over, "So...what have we learned about the Cullens and their family of vampires?"

Elsa took out her lunch bag, "I asked my chef to make an extra today. Here,"

Danny blinked at the offered lunchbox, "Oh...uh, thanks..." He then grinned at her, "You are always feeding somehow,"

Elsa looked at him, "Was that...disconcerting for you?"

Danny shook his head, "No! I'm good! Better than anything the school provide!" He then added, "Tucker sometimes shared his meat but most of the time I will be lucky with my fingers intact if I tried to steal some. Sam...well, there is no other way describe it beside Minecraft grass and dirt?"

Elsa said nothing about it, true to her words about humans eating stranger things than him chowing down on sentient ecto blobs. Instead, she opened her lunchbox and talked, "The story started with this very clumsy girl named Bella Swan who seemed to not be safe even why lying down on her bed..." She started explaining the context of Twilight, making sure that Danny was listening and understood what the story was about as she slowly goes through what she had read so far.

He blinked, "Wait. A guy that can read minds even when he doesn't want to can't read hers? There has got to be something going on there,"

Elsa nodded, "I suspect as well. But I must read the other books to learn of this,"

Danny chewed on his mashed potato, "Can't you just...skip ahead?"

Elsa sniffed, "That would ruin the reading experience,"

Danny looked at the thick book, "Do I have to read too?"

Elsa looked at him, "It would be nice, since I would not need to explain the context to you and you can make your own notes regarding the plot. However, you don't have to if you don't want. You can simply do summarizing from my notes,"

Danny shook his head, "No way! I'm doing my part! Guess I'll have to go buy those books too," He coughed out ice and sighed, "Sorry, Elsa. Duty calls," He stood up and popped the last meatball into his mouth, "Thanks for lunch, by the way. Saved me a lot of time. Bye and stay safe!"

He quickly ran off.

Phantom flew up towards the direction his senses told him about and found Ember and Kitty harassing the nearby fashion boutique. He rolled his eyes and shoots ecto-shots, "Alright, ladies! Break it up! What's going on here?!"

Ember glared at him, "Not everyone got a free fashion advice like you, Dipstick!"

Kitty added, "Yeah! What's with that?!"

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