Cold Secrets Deep Inside

Start from the beginning

At first, he thought that he had a similarity to Nocturne, since that guy seemed to have his space theme down. But he was wrong. Nocturne had a 'night core', which was why he looked like he's all about space. Danny sighed, looking at his see through legs and hands, at the constellation twinkling inside.

As he rolled in the air, he straightened his body to look down on Earth. The planet that was his cradle. He wondered if he would even stay when everyone around him that he knew and meant something finally die. Because being so close to the void of the space, he felt a call to just fly off and explore. But no. He let gravity pulled him down. Back to good old rocks and ocean water.

As he flew, he noticed a familiar manor. It was on the edge of Amity Park, practically far from the town and the rest of their community. Lonely and yet...he felt a welcoming pull coming from it. As he floated down, he finally recognized it.

Elsa's home.

She was sitting in her garden, surrounded by flowers and reading a book using a clip on portable reading light. Danny floated down and greeted her, "Hey,"

Elsa drew in a sharp breath, ice covered her feet as she looked up at him in shock, "Danny?" She sighed in relief that it was just him before frowning at her frozen feet, "Oh, great,"

She struggled to get her feet out and Danny laughed, stepping forward and kneeling before using his power to to cup her feet and slip her out of her own icy trap. He then looked up at her, "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you,"

She quirked a brow at him, "But I suspect that you actually enjoy the scare,"

Danny shrugged, "Guilty as charged. I think it's a ghost thing," He then realized that he was still holding both her feet in his hands, "Oh. Uh, here!" He put them down but found the ice still there. He hummed for a moment before using his telekinesis to pull the ice away. Once it floated to the side, he put her feet down, "There!"

She moved her foot a little, "Interesting. It felt like an ice bath. That was intangibility, yes?"

Danny nodded, "Intangibility. Telekinesis. Flight...the whole things that people know ghosts can do, I can," He stood up, "Sorry. I just saw you out here and thought...let's say hi to my new friend!"

Elsa looked up at him, "Hi,"

Danny laughed, "Hi!" He then asked, "What were you reading?"

She picked the book to show the cover, "Some story about a girl who fell in love with a vampire,"

Danny quirked a brow, "Twilight? I heard about it. The Goth community was not happy about sparkling vampires. My friend Sam ranted about it endlessly,"

Elsa frowned, "I don't know. These vampires seems to be...less supernatural and more scientific. I mean, I understand that skins are like scales. If they have a hard enough skin, then their scales must be prominent. Also, it is not that strange for skin to 'sparkle', as you put it. Our own skin somewhat sparkles under the sun if you look at it closely. It is what gives us that 'healthy glow'," She added, "However, since they have a hard skin, it will be very hard to move if they are not brittle as well. Imagine an armor so miniscule that it felt like velvet,"

Danny rubbed his chin, "That...makes sense. Kind of make me think of shark skin...or lizards,"

Elsa looked at him, "What of your armor? It is a form of protective suite, yes?"

Danny looked down at his suite, "I don't know. Edna made this for me after having me do some fashion show for her,"

Elsa studied him, "I see. So it is of ghost make. It is certainly a better look than last year. I was often concerned whenever you get hit. The one you once wore seemed flimsy in comparison. The damage you took had lessened significantly after you changed,"

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