Steamverse 1

33 3 3

[Commander True Ranks =Protector[Red], Defender[Blue], Sentry[Yellow], Warden[Purple], Elite Protector [Orange], Master Defender [Black], Guardian [White],True Guardian[Green]]

Engaging Railspace...

Systems nominal.

Preparing to cross railspace.

Igniting Rails.


I blinked, as the multiversal transference completed. I looked at my fellow bots. We were all Commander True. Individual instead of a hivemind. Our mind could be transferred to the Train at any time. Instead of ships, we had to make a train that solely used the rails in order to prevent the destruction of materials that cross universes. The me back home is working on fixing it, but we are tasked with setting up this universe.

Originally we thought we could choose the time we can insert. There was a slight problem with that though. There is no way to tell when a time 'starts'. There is no beginning of a timeline in a universe. But we can find their end.

"Master Defender, Crossdimensional multiversal travel is a success. Lights are green."

I glanced at the Master Defender that was designated for this mission. We were all technically the same person, so it was mostly arbitrary positions. Regardless, it kept things organized. I myself am a Protector. There were three thousand of us on board this initial train. Eight hundred are here to build the Interdimensional Train Station. Otherwise known as the ITS. Or IT Station.

"Radar, any hostiles?" The Master Defender spoke up, we all honestly looked like an off-brand version of Isaac's Armor from Dead Space. With different colors representing each rank. On our faces instead of the lines, was a diamond in our color. Protectors have red accents, Defenders have blue accents, Sentries have yellow accents, Wardens have purple accents, Master Defenders have black accents, Guardians have white accents, and True Guardians have green accents as well as being basically hiveminds.

"None detected or observed. Landing site is clear."

It also acted as a camera for us to actually see. We could technically survive without our head, basically our head and heart can operate the body independently of each other, but if both are destroyed our bodies collapse with no one to actually pilot them.

"Keep observation up. Navigation, let's start mapping out a location for us to set up the station."

Something interesting is that we are actually battery powered, we can last up to three thousand years before our batteries die. Less if we are draining more power than we need.

"Protector Mori."

I blinked in attention. "Yes, Master Defender?"

"Go and tell Warden Luthor and Warden Ben that Guardian Omar is requesting their presence in the war room. Protector Wire!"

"Yes Sir!" The other Protector beside me salutes.

"You are tasked with informing Elite Protector Vegeta to report to the war room. Dismissed Protectors."

I finished my salute and walked off. If he said ASAP I would have to hurry, but I could walk for now.

Protectors made up most of the people on the train. I'd have to get to central to get a hold of the Wardens.

The first system we found that we could use was practically uninhabitable. Which was the goal. The star of this system was just hot enough to overheat most spacecraft, it wouldn't take long for most ships to melt, but we were able to offload the heat well enough to make setting up in a region like this a breeze. Thus we started to construct the IS Station. It would allow us to make our way into this universe. Our goal isn't to conquer, even if we are preparing for such an event.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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