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I started expanding my capabilities instantly once I was able to integrate all the computer technology I managed to get a hold of. Graphics Cards, Multi Threaded CPUs, and more. I already had a decent amount of RAM available to use, two hundred gigabytes of RAM was enough for me to keep everything running, but now I had terabytes of ram running in sync. Expanding my capabilities massively. I was getting closer to a PA Commander in capabilities with this, as I was now able to control ships and multi-task almost effortlessly. I of course upgraded my Labs with the new computer technology. I was able to make petabytes of data storage facilities. All connected via the hardlight rails and hardlight cables.

This meant my capabilities had started to increase multi-fold, I had energy to spare now thanks to the development of Cold Fusion, which was actually done via theories from the twenty first century. Which allowed me to begin the process of cooling and shutting down my many Nuclear Reactors and replacing them. What's better is that it didn't require exotic elements or Element Zero. I was truly becoming a Space Warlord! Well, I hadn't done any war, that will happen soon though. I have to prepare for the Reapers after all. Railguns I used were extremely similar to what Halo's MAC would be, so I have a pretty powerful equalizer. In testing, a Railgun was able to destroy a ME Shield in less than a microsecond.

I started to hire even more people from the Systems Alliance, researchers, biologists, writers, actors, and more professions. It was starting to be a bit of a craze because more and more people were migrating over to my Starports for job opportunities, which luckily for them. I had plenty of opportunities. I did however start having run-ins with our favorite terrorist organization, Cerberus! I had a few agents that I was monitoring that had made a place within the Starports. I wasn't going to kill them, but I was going to have them under strict watch. Not having a terror attack within one of my ports.

The Citadel Council

Panic over the reveal of the A.I. called Commander True had already calmed down, now they had a different issue. What were they going to do about it? Humanity had shown their potential as a one of the Citadels races, so they couldn't actually just kick them out. They had become too valuable to cut off. Despite the Turian Councilor's recommendation to do so. The Salarian Councilor was extremely excited about the prospect of an A.I. that wasn't hellbent on isolation or murdering organic life. They wanted to change the law regarding A.I. While the Asari Councilor really wanted to force humanity to sever contact with the A.I. and treat them as the Geth.

The original plan was to shape humanity into something useful for the Citadel races, the problem was that Humanity was too multi-talented. Meaning they couldn't be categorized in just one area. Asari were diplomats, Salarians were researchers, and Turians were warriors. Krogan were mercenaries, Quarians were Engineers, and Baterians were lawyers. Humanity however had no specific specialty, they filled each role easily. Thus they were planning on using Humanity as a Multi-Tool. But in order for that to work, they had to have control over humanity, the ability to force humanity to accept their rules and laws without complaint. As such they were using the economy to basically force the Systems Alliance to listen to them.

The A.I. threw a giant wrench in that plan. Suddenly the Systems Alliance had resources despite the sky high market prices. Economically, they were growing faster than even the Volus. They were becoming a race that was able to match the Citadel on their own. They couldn't allow that to happen. Something had to be done to cause a split between the A.I. and the Systems Alliance. So they plotted, and planned. They had a plan to deal with this situation. The only question is... would it work?

Systems Alliance

Prime Minister Harold Hutchins was having a really good run. Originally they thought they were going to lose the election to Amul Shastri! That plant would have made things rough for the Alliance. Luckily, they had a stroke of good fortune! Amul had been running on the declaration they wouldn't let something like the Relay 314 Incident happen again. Meanwhile Harold had actually met an alien entity that wasn't completely hostile for reasons outside of their control. Meaning Harold could leverage it to increase their poll numbers and make a return. Plus, calling the First Contact War a First Contact War was now socially acceptable thanks to the Second First Contact! Increasing Harold's polling data even more.
So Citadel be damned, the Prime Minister was going to hold onto Commander True with both hands, gripping for dear life, it was way more reliable to trust Commander True over the snakes he had to deal with from the Citadel diplomats and businesses. Not to mention the Prime Minister's efforts in accruing good will from Commander True was leading to a massive return on investment. No one needed to know that he had almost bankrupted the System's Alliance by agreeing to sign off on any beneficial deal. It's not his fault that he didn't know the amount of resources they had available!

Regardless, the deals made with Commander True were paying off immensely. He had once again earned the respect and faith of the people, he had the ability to get them to systems previously too expensive to get to, a constant stream of revenue growth. Not to mention his policies promoting technology other than Element Zero were now back in effect thanks to Commander True's words! So, it was truly a good run for Harold, he looked forward to the election next year.

What's more promising is the existence of Commander True's technology. It appeared to be far removed from Element Zero. Although they had found traces of it in some tech, it wasn't in every aspect of technology. That meant that, coupled with Commander True's tendencies to build large structures meant that they were able to see a much clearer way forward with his policies than when they had met the Turians and the Citadel races. They would have to see about contracting more Starports and Tug-rail services from Commander True. There were a few laws that were temporarily enacted by the U.N. as a response to the discovery of the Citadel, Harold planned on attacking those and getting them taken back down. A law against the creation of games was absurd! He had been planning on buying Skyrim The Elder Scrolls 6, Rescrolled Edition when it came out! That and the laws regarding nanite technology. Their medical technology, Medigel would have been completely stopped if it had passed before it was complete.


Operative Nodel jumped behind some of the moving crates. The Gateway Starport was heavily patrolled by human police enforcement, and robotic enforcement. With the drones failing again and again. His Dalatrass wasn't allowing another failure. They wanted a set of eyes and ears on the inside. Typically for something like this he would use the aliens themselves, the problem is that everyone that had migrated here had practically pulled themselves out of debt completely. Not to mention violence wouldn't really work in this instance. Too much law enforcement. Thus, Operative Nodel was going to document everything himself. He just had to be... He froze as he felt a barrel aimed at his head. A large blocky robot was looking straight at him, and right beside him was one of the A.I.'s Diplomacy Drones.

"It appears I have a guest." Nodel immediately bit into the suicide capsule in his teeth. However his eyes widened, or at least tried to widen, he was completely frozen. "Now now, no suicidal tendencies please. Heh, your lucky I developed a non-lethal capture method. Turns out if you prevent someone from using kinetic energy, it puts them into a sort of spacial lock." The Diplomacy Drone extended his hand. Which deployed tentacles which reached into Nodel's mouth, removing the suicide capsule.

"Now then. Let's get you somewhere comfortable, don't worry about spilling any government secrets. We've already gotten plenty from that ship you left at Shanxi. The System's Alliance is going to be very curious on why they have STG operatives reaching in their territory." Then the Drone laughed, his face emoting in a human-like manner. Dread filled Nodel's mind as he was moved away.

It seems the Citadel races have now started to fully notice me. I had a Tugboat delivering supplies and travelers to Shanxi when I discovered the STG Agent heading my way. If that stroke of luck hadn't happened, there is no telling how much information would have gotten back to the Salarians. I was actually leaving the decoding of the STG Stealth Ship's data drives to the Alliance, and the many prisoners that were captured on board the ship. Their paranoia had been raised to max when I made this discovery, and they wanted to purchase the scanning tech that I have been using. I requested a technology in return for this one, I wanted QED's.

They were a bit generous here actually. They gave me their own radar scanners on top of the Quantum Entanglement Device technology. I learned pretty quickly why. It was a fairly limited but secure process for sharing information, however it was limited to one on one data transfer. It also had a fairly small bandwidth. Something I could likely fix. I can likely artificially create Quantum Entanglement Arrays, basically a series of entangled particles that work in unison to send large amounts of data. It naturally went to the Lab Planet that I had been building for reverse engineering and expansion.

Kinetic Dampeners are my new stun gun! One invisible blast, and suddenly the target can't move in the slightest. It would actually be lethal, however it seems to completely lock the body to the point where the brain and body isn't using energy, a comical time stop basically. Although I'm almost sure that you can still think for a few moments after the initial shot. Regardless the K-Stun and K-Rejuv guns are real neat and allow for the capture of criminals, spies, and suicidal individuals before they can kill themselves. Or cause trouble. I've already started designs for upscaling them so I can stop entire ships in their tracks. On another note, Kinetic Dampeners are also useful for my ships on their own. It can prevent the Mass Relay from actually grabbing and stealing my ship. It's honestly a pretty powerful technology, especially when used in more scientific research.

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