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It's frustrating when I think about time. Every time I'm building? Time passes. For every expansion, for every new technology I explore and develop. Time passes. I've already come to terms that when I make it to Earth, it will be massively different than what I once knew. Probably even different from the end of the Terminator series. It's scary to think about. I'm ready for it, but I still worry. My weapons are decent, would likely easily take on SkyNet, wouldn't be a I win button. But railguns are pretty decent endgame type weapons.

I've been at a constant rate of expansion since I arrived at Eun, and I went to an Orbital Ship after two years. The Command Ship, still Frigate size, I haven't found much of a reason to build anything larger than Frigates yet. I did make mass acceleration cannons, aka the MAC Guns from Halo. They were basically upscaled Railguns. Oh yeah, I did actually have something larger than Frigates. Haulers. They were basically massive Barges that transferred resources from the Ovo system and Keevu system. The Ovo System was the system I had expanded to, it had three resource rich planets that were too good to ignore. Discovered it when I was testing my FTL Drive. On that note, I figured out the math for my FTL Drive. On the first run, it went thirty light years, in about ten seconds. Now, I'm not sure about the math of other universes' versions of FTL, but I know that it is fast.

However, it doesn't end there. The Railspace travel leaves behind a Railway in the Railspace for repeated use. The more it is used, the faster it gets. Now the travel time for thirty light years is only half a second only after seven uses. This, if set up correctly, would allow an Empire to instantly reinforce worlds away from their center, making it an extremely useful technology. This tech was completely based on a fictional world I had worked on in my previous life known as World Factory. It would explain why the alien empires of that universe weren't able to put down Humanity, since they basically had the infrastructure to keep a war at a stalemate for years. Humans of that verse wouldn't have even realized just how quickly they were traveling around, nor have a concept of just how quickly they were traveling due to the stasis they put in. What they think could have been years or months, could have only been a few moments. Heh, it would be the biggest secret of humanity in that universe, keeping hidden just how fast their FTL truly was.

What does that mean for me? Well, it means I haven't reached the end of the Railspace FTL tech tree. Because there were different versions of the Railspace Drive in that universe, that had different speeds. I'm willing to bet that I didn't accidentally make a top of the line version on my first try. I can already see ways to improve the Railspace Drive I'm currently using. Maybe it will be possible to go to the point where I can go one hundred light years in a mere second, heck maybe even a thousand. Cover the entire galaxy in mere days.

This does mean that I can go to Earth now... if I knew where it was. I have not been able to locate Earths system. I've got a developing star chart from my Explorator cruisers. But I am completely lost. Wait a second. I'm getting an alert from one of my Explorators.

New Element? Let's see. Wow, this is a freaky element. When supplied with energy, this element has a mass of zero. Which is freaky, but it also seems to mess with Dark Matter. Which is pretty insane. Pretty sure this could be used as a method of FTL if put to use in the right way. Found in asteroids near a Neutron Star. I wonder if I can find more of it? Wait a moment... I wonder if I can use it at FTL speeds in Railspace? Hmm, I am kind of excited now. I'm going to give it to the labs and see what they figure out. In the meantime I'm going to search my memories and figure out why this sounds so familiar.

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