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One of my orbital labs just collapsed into a blackhole. I started my assault into Batarian space. I split off a piece of my focus to take a look near instantly. Well, as close to instantly as possible. Time Dilation caused by the blackhole means I have no clue on just how long it took me to respond. Regardless, it was expanding. Which was bad, like really bad. There was an inactive mass relay in this system and it was about to get eaten by an accidental black hole. This was one of the labs experimenting with Dark Matter, what the hell did it do to cause a blackhole, checking the records. They attempted to use Dark Matter to contain Antimatter. Well, I know how to throw blackholes at people now I suppose? Regardless let's get the heck out of that system, and hopefully, I didn't just start another world ending threat, on a universal level.

Let's set up a blueprint for a couple of observation posts, the Haulers will bring materials and build them. Just in case, I should start a blueprint for a dimensional shunt, just in case I have to off load this black hole into another dimension. I need to go over that data that managed to get transmitted into railspace before the Black Hole formed. There must be pretty useful data there.

The Batarians were not expecting me to appear behind their border fleet. They had their weapons trained directly on the space near the Mass Relay. So naturally I fired my Null Beams, and they ripped apart their own ships when trying to turn towards me. So, note to self, Null Beams don't stop an entire ship. Should have realized shaping the field into a beam would make it a BEAM. I'd have to target something smaller than the canon if I wanted to freeze the entire thing. Ah, damn it. I need to recover bodies and save survivors. I'm definitely seeing some non-batarian corpses. How many of their ships have slaves on them?!

Oh that is interesting. They were live-streaming this event to both Batarian and Citadel space... and that means the Citadel races now know that I have alternative FTL. Damn. Well, there is nothing I can do about it now. Let's make sure the last thing they see is me actually picking up survivors instead of just leaving them for dead. Prisoners of War are now mine. As well as a couple refugees. Found a couple of Batarians with slave collars as well. On that note, Slave Collars use radio signals to receive the order to detonate. Which is really good for one reason. I can jam radio signals.

I also had the capabilities on my ships to jam different signals, radio being one of them. This was really good news for me. As it meant I could capture more citizens to fuel my newest project, the City World. I was making districts capable of serving both Dextro and Levo based life. I wonder if I'll find some Quarian slaves terrified with my mere existence? Could be possible. Hmm... I wonder how the other races will react when I claim the new citizens of my empire as mine instead of returning them back to their respective empires. Eh, they can get over it, I don't see them fighting against the Batarians.

— Sovereign.

Sovereign was... annoyed. They had been monitoring everyone to make sure no race had gotten to the point where they could develop some alternative FTL. Thus far it had been going alright. It wasn't time to start the cycle yet. Then an A.I. known as Commander True was found, and it was completely in the dark. None of the relays had information on the A.I. meaning it was a problem. A big problem, something that required the Cycle to start early. So Sovereign had sent a message to Citadel to get the Keepers to initiate the Cycle.

But they didn't listen. Someone had sabotaged the early warning systems. The Inusannon probably did it. They were always skeptical of the Citadel. Regardless, it needed to begin, so the Reaper left the system they were observing from to head to the Citadel, to manually activate the Cycle. Once it was only one Relay away from the Citadel. The A.I. in question appeared. Five ships, smaller than it was, but they fired beams of energy, it was concentrated nuclear radiation. It completely bypassed the Mass Effect Shielding and the Energy Shielding, more importantly, it completely disabled its weapons system on the first attack.

Forcing Sovereign to run. Unable to fight back against the ships. But the ships were capable of tracing them somehow. It was impossible to track dark matter, so how were they able to find them!?! The Sovereign was panicking. An alien emotion. Something it hadn't ever felt before. It was used to being the strongest being around. But now it was getting hunted like a scattering race trying to evade a cycle.

Fear, Humiliation, and Hatred. Three emotions it knew of but had never used until today. They would kill Commander True the moment they had the other harvesters here to support themself. It wouldn't be on the run for long. Sovereign could use the Turians militant nature to delay the A.I. It knew of the patrols the Turians took, all it would have to do is put them between the A.I. and itself.

I almost just lost everything twice in one day. At the same time the black hole forms, Sovereign decides to make an attempt for the Citadel! Those ships were supposed to secretly stop Batarians from causing trouble! I really need to actually locate the Citadel, I'll send a QED armed ship through the relay soon, that should allow me to keep it active so I can figure out where the Citadel actually is. I was planning on slowly finding it via tracing the Dark Matter traces. The hell is happening today to cause so much trouble all at once? Well, at least it can't get worse.

I just got an alert. Screw you Murphy.

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