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I'd like to say that I was in space after a few days... I'd be lying. The ship's framework was easy to build, the problem was that I had to create the Railspace Dimension, which took a ton of power. So I was making massive battery plants. It was painful rerouting and destroying machinery to make room for the Railspace Dimension Igniter. It was a Super Structure. Taking a drain of nearly fifty thousand megawatts for five seconds. The Igniter would only activate for a second, but it would cover most of the galaxy, and spread on its own. If I was making something small? It wouldn't be as draining. But I was making a method of FTL. It was expensive.

I had drained so many resources of the planet that I now had to recycle and reuse in this structure, and if there was a mistake, it would be all for nothing. Every single power plant I had was fueling the cells. Now I only had access to solid cooling materials. Making this even harder. This would work though. I believed it would work. My Labs were now figuring out better ways of using this tech. I imagine in the future I would probably be able to pull off this task with a structure half the size. For now I have to use a structure that would explode and destroy everything within almost three thousand miles. But I did succeed. Took me almost ten years. But that is still a success.

I mentally pressed the button. And watched through the cameras as the world ignited. Thousands of cameras shutdown. The destruction was greater than I imagined. My orbital satellites revealed that the planet was now on fire. My home base and Labs were on the opposite side of the planet. But the firestorm was spreading. No clue how far it would spread throughout the Factory. The explosion itself also doubled as an EMP, knocking out a ton of power to my factory's facilities.

I activated a second protocol, drove out of the platform I was on. A massive ramp was prepared that would lead me to my ship, the Prototype MK 2. MK 1 collapsed during construction. I watched as the spider drones secured the labs onto the ship. It's strange, not being connected to the cables that make up the network of this world factory. I got used to seeing everything at once, so seeing things from only my two optics is strange. Regardless I made my way to the Bridge of the Prototype MK 2. Upon arriving the cables were inserted into the back of my chassis as the ship's systems turned on, and I could see again. Not the entire factory, just what the cameras on my ship showed. In the distance I could see the firestorm coming. I started the rails, Energy drained out of the four nuclear reactors on the ship as the rails began to form, the Railway Drive activated, and I saw my pathforward, gears began turning as the bottom part of my ship was partially in the Railspace Dimension, pulling myself into orbit.

The ship then fully shifted into the railspace. In the distance I could see a bright green wave spread, expanding the space and making it larger. I was now in railspace. After five seconds, I exited railspace, and examined my surroundings. The planet I was on is still burning, it would consume the rest of the factory in a few hours. Fully consuming this world, no idea when it would cooldown. Really wish I predicted that it would cause a firestorm. There isn't any oxygen here, so what is it even burning off of?! Wait... The belts I used for automation are covered in a special adhesive that is extremely flammable. That makes sense. Regardless, this is a problem. I just lost my entire industrial base because I was in a hurry. I mean I prepared for a catastrophe like this with my ship. But still, I didn't think it would really happen.

So I lost a lot. But I also gained a lot. Once the fires cooldown I'll start reclaiming the planet, in the meantime I'll let my Labs research more ways to use this dimensional tech, and how to use it without causing this much destruction. For now let's head to Eun. I set my computers to plot for Eun. I'll gather more data on my FTL as we go. A few minutes later, I arrived on Eun.

Rebuilding on Eun went swimmingly. It had pretty much all the iron I could want. I wasn't making insane progress like I was on Drasti, I named the factory world I had built Drasti after arriving on Eun. Because it took drastic measures to get me off that world. I was using my FTL in pretty much every aspect of my tech now. It was a train system that could be built with ease! I couldn't not use it, especially cause it allowed me to spread at sixteen times the rate I used to. I didn't even need to use as many belts because it was more efficient to just bulk deliver with the railspace system. Not to mention the railways get stronger the more they are used, making deliveries even faster, not to mention you didn't even need something to dampen the kinetic energy, as it offloaded it into the tracks when you stopped. Meaning you could stop at maximum speed and not get sent flying against the walls.

The railways also had an added functionality that I was making great use of. It acted like a wire that carried massive amounts of information. Allowing to have remote access to facilities without having to make large cables connecting the entire thing. The math for the systems hasn't actually been done yet, so I'm not sure how powerful my FTL is yet. But it looks extremely promising. Once the Labs have enough information, I should be able to start traveling to other systems. I've started making a starmap for my travels. I'm extremely excited.

It took me only three years to convert Eun into a Factory World, which is amazing, considering it took me seventy years to turn Drastic into a Factory World. Drastic had stopped burning two years ago, and I had started converting it back into a functional factory as well. There were a total of five worlds in this system. Only Eun and Drastic had the most optimal conditions for a World Factory. But I was harvesting the asteroid belt in the system.

Inorder to fulfill the Planetary Annihilation Commander aesthetic I was going for, I had developed many new techs that were derivatives of the Railspace project. One of those being the DECs, The Dimensional Entanglement Cores. They were little balls attached to the back of my drones that connected to a hard light wire in the Railspace dimension. Allowing me to be in control of them at all times.

I'm going over tech again aren't I? I may possibly be traumatized about what happened on Drastic. I almost killed myself. I keep on focusing on technology to prevent myself from thinking about it... But I almost died. If I hadn't built my ship, I would have gone up in flames. I wonder if I would feel pain if I died from that. The DEC's are amazing pieces of technology that allow me to smoothly control my structures and drones. I am extremely happy with the progress that I made in it. Of course I couldn't go long without an actual unit could I?

Thus I started to make units that were designed for combat, Dox were easy, A humanoid walker with a railgun that fired hardlight shells on the side. If the impact didn't kill the target, the heat from the hard light would. Course I didn't stop there. I made some designs that weren't based on Planetary Annihilation at all. For example, the Prototype MK 2 is a Frigate, the Industry's Finest is an even more powerful version of the Prototype MK 2, with better weapons, and with more of the wiring replaced by hard light alternatives. I will say this, Hardlight is one of the best technologies that resulted from the Railspace Project.

It came in many forms, each one extremely useful, and hardlight only required energy to supply. Allowing me to make a hardlight shield over my ships and units. Hardlight cables could transfer both information and power, and it was just as loose and easy to move as normal cable, although it did produce a ton of heat. If you were to view the planets I controlled from railspace, you would see tons of cables and rails made of different colored hardlight. It was insanely powerful tech that when used with Railspace allowed for a complete revolution of an entire race.

With me controlling more and more stuff, I had to make a ton of servers that would allow me to process more information. I had a similar network on Drastic, but it is much better now. Hopefully my techbase continues to improve. I plan on creating as many ships as possible before I leave this system. If I run into anything life threatening I want the ability to put as many hardlight railgun shots between it and myself as possible.

I'm getting a bit worried about my power generation. Pretty much every part of my tech is powered by nuclear power. It provided the most constant power and energy. The problem is, it's a volatile technology, one failure and I have radiation over most of my machinery and tech. Who knows if that would cause problems or not, but I really don't want to risk it. I need to figure out Cold Fusion. I set my Labs on the task, hopefully we can figure something out. In theory we could make a dimension solely for generating energy, but I have no idea on how to even start something like that. One step at a time. For now while my Labs try to figure out Cold Fusion I'm going to keep on building ships to advance to the next system.

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