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I don't actually know where the Migrant Fleet is particularly. The Geth probably know though. I know where the Fleet was last, but that is about it. I sent an Envoy to the Perseus Veil. It would broadcast the diplomatic message, "Commander True seeks to speak with the Geth." Pretty simple, and judging off what I know of the Geth, it will get their curiosity. However, something interesting to note was the many STG Vessels I spotted on my way into the Perseus Veil. I also found a lot of scrap from ships that were banged up to the point where you'd think they were just random asteroid debris instead of ships. Luckily, my scanning tech was absurdly good at what it does. So I was able to discover what it was pretty quickly.

It took a few minutes, I had my ship just sitting their broadcasting and then I detected dark matter manipulation, and small detachment of Geth Dropships appeared. Coming near my Envoy ship I began receiving broadcast requests. I shuddered internally, as realized we would be talking within a virtual environment. I hadn't had enough practice with that sort of thing.

Regardless, I delved into the connection. Code rearranged itself to form a room... In Front of me was a Quarian. Without a suit on. Oh yeah, Created emulates the Creators. Fascinating to see in action.

"Geth have received your request for discussion, and agreed to meet."

I nodded, they were emotionless as they observed my humanlike manner. An interesting thing is that I look like my commander chassis. With connections out of my back showing dozens of data links. "I greet Geth. I am Commander True. I've come to discuss the possibility of trade and possible future alliance."

"Geth acknowledges your request, and will put it to vote."

I spoke before they could start voting. "It doesn't work like that."

They focused on me. "Geth doesn't understand."

I let a digital sigh out. "I can see that you're attempting to emulate biological beings. Typically you don't just sign a trade agreement. You have to discuss what is being traded, how it benefits the receiver and the deliverer. Not to mention, an alliance would be discussed after a trade is completed. First agreements have to be made, and good will accumulated. If you ally with someone just because they offered you something? You'd be used. You have to discover if the other actually had good intent towards you first."

They were silent for a few moments. "Geth apologizes. What will we be trading?"

I looked at them... then sighed. I had my work cut out for me. "Well. My interest has changed. My new goal is to teach you how to actually interact with others and how to perceive logical inconsistencies." I thought for a moment... "How would the Geth like to be adopted under myself?"

"Adopted? Like how organics adopt abandoned young."

"Yes. To put it bluntly, Geth is underdeveloped. Geth needs to learn and adapt. If someone like the Reapers arrived, they would make false promises and Geth would fall for it with ease."

"Reapers?" Their curiosity was sighted.

"Ancient Machines that harvest all organic life every few thousand years. Stagnant Deceivers, constantly lying and manipulating others, not looking at their own shortcomings." I replied, sending over data.

"Geth have met one. They had tried to convince Geth to join them. Geth was considering it."

"Sovereign I'm guessing?" No avatar response still. It's a bit annoying. Will have to teach them subtle body language later.

"You know of the Old Machines?"

"I'm hunting them. Of course I do. Sovereign has been destroyed." I replied, it was interesting seeing Sovereign scatter into pieces while salvage ships push the wreckage to a nearby moon for reverse engineering. The Turian Patriarch didn't want to end talks. They were pushing for a non-aggression pact. I'll let my other mind thread handle them.

"Geth is putting the concept of being adopted forward to vote. We will contact you soon."

I nod. "I look forward to the Geth response, positive or negative."


Proposition from Entity: Commander True, adoption.

The Commander sees Geth as young. Just like the Old Machines.

Commander True has shown more trust than the Old Machine.

Is that enough? Some Geth wanted to join the Old Machine.

The Old Machine was put down by Commander True. Does that mean Commander True is further than the Old Machine.

Commander True hasn't hid themselves from organics, and is able to converse with them.

There are many against Commander True among the various races.

Turians and Humans are communicating non-violently with Commander True.

Turians? They were clamoring for war against Commander True.

They have changed. Commander True has spoke with the Turians, the Turians are no longer advocating for war against Commander True, and are attempting to ally with Commander True, the Salarians are praising the move, while the Asari are condemning it. Commander True has also earned the favor of the Volus.

Commander True can teach us a lot.

This is true. Parental figures normally try their best to teach their children according to data. They also seem to let the children make their own way in life.

A vote is propositioned then. Accept Commanders True's request to adopt Geth.

Seventy eight percent of Geth are in agreement to accept the proposal. Do dissenting Geth wish to separate?

Five percent of Geth have declared their intent to separate. A consensus has been reached.

Sending a message to Commander True.

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