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Turians want to ally with me. Or at least open up a trading ground. Apparently that stunt involving the Reaper was enough for them to want an alliance. I'm personally not against the idea, the problem is the humans. The First Contact War is still a fresh wound between the two races, it doesn't help that the Citadel is calling it the Relay Incident. Downplaying its effects. There are some human groups that want to resurrect the war, to strike back and such. Allying with the Turians at this point in time would be a TERRIBLE idea. I need to wait for time to patch up the wounds.

A trade deal however, that is something I could possibly agree on. Around thirty percent of my Element Zero production is claimed by humans at the moment. They really underestimated how much Element Zero was on my hands. Then again, I undervalue my own resources a lot. I am reaching a fairly interesting point when it comes to my world factories now, I'm producing a massive excess of parts and resources that I don't consume, I was building more Spacial Foundries to produce more ships, to prepare for the Reaper war, which I'm still not sure if I have enough ships for. I know that the Reapers are deceivers, and they like to claim that they have millions of ships.

I don't believe that. Based on what I know, there could only be at maximum sixty thousand Reapers, and a ton more Reaper destroyers. That is a massive overestimation as well. My fleet is increasing each day, and I'm producing over fourty Frigates, or at least my classifications of a Frigate, every three days. That number is increased by five for each Spacial Foundry that finishes construction. Not to mention I was also expanding to three more planets to build World Factories on.

Ah, I got distracted, my other mind thread is handling that point of interest. I just really like it, it's easier to mess with than politics. Regardless, Humans are the first allies I've made since I've arrived to this part of the galaxy. I've made friends personally with tens of thousands of humans on a first name basis. I can't really throw a wrench in that by allying with the Turians at this point. So I'll start up trade.

I initiated a connection with the Turian Primarch.

There was a click sound from the Turian... I just realized that it must either be a sigh, or an ah sound equivalent. "Commander True, I should have guessed, I was wondering if you were ever going to get back to me."

"Was considering the benefits of your offer. I'm afraid I'll have to turn down the alliance offer for now. However, I am up for trade." My avatar replied with a shrug. This time I was using one of the humanoid worker drones as my appearance instead of my Commander chassis.

"I see, can I ask why you turned us down at least?"

He was holding his emotions back, I could tell by the tenseness in the untranslated version of his words. "The wounds from the First Contact War with the humans haven't faded yet. Allying with your race at the moment would cause more problems than solutions. It's best to remain neutral and trade instead."

"Those Upstarts are what is preventing an alliance between you and the Turian Hierarchy!"

There it is. "That right there. See what I mean?"

He blinked. Before thinking on it for a moment. "I see. Why not prioritize us instead of the Humans though? We have been space faring a lot longer than they have."

"Oh boy, I have a ton of reasons, would you like them listed out?"

He nodded, so I continued.

"First off, They have the largest source of non-element zero based tech in the galaxy at the moment. Surpassing even the Krogans. As a lot of my technology doesn't use Element Zero. That makes their old technology extremely valuable to me. Then we got the First Contact War itself. Despite being years behind you, they were still able to hold their own, and show that they may actually be a threat to your government. Meaning if they were on the same technological level, they may have even beat the Turian Hierarchy despite their physical bodies actually being weaker than Turian bodies."

I kept going, "Next up, we have the Citadel, who have laws and rules in place that are basically the anti-thesis of my entire existence. Not to mention my very presence is considered illegal in that space. If I wasn't as powerful as I am, they would have likely tried to exterminate me. The Turians are closely tied to the Citadel, even though your Government doesn't technically answer to the Citadel."

"Finally, we have the emotional reasons. I am not an emotionless A.I.. In fact I have a lot of processes dedicated to replicating them, as such I have formed attachments with the many humans that inhabit my starbases. If I were to ally with the Turian Hierarchy so soon after the First Contact War, it could be seen as a form of betrayal. As such, if you wish to remain in diplomatic contact with me, I recommend we set up a trade deal for now."

He clicked again, before doing one long drawn out click. "Fine. How would you like to trade in Element Zero?"

I held back from forming a predatory grin on my avatars face as I realized that I could in debt the Turians to me. 

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