34. Legal battle complete.

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As I stood in the courtroom, my heart pounded in my chest nervously. Defending Liam was already a daunting task, but the added scrutiny from the media about our personal relationship only heightened the pressure.

Every camera and eye in the room seemed to bore into me, judging not just my abilities as a lawyer but also my character as a person.

Thankfully Liam had made sure to use his PR team to help him squash the false rumors......although it was true. Not only that but he also gave me enough evidence to squash the entire headline for good and ultimately win the case.

My hands trembled slightly as I laid out the photos, audio recordings, and documents on the table before me.

Each piece of evidence represented hours of painstaking work, but they were also our best chance at proving Liam's innocence. With a shaky hand, I approached the jury.

Don't faint, I chanted.

"As you can see from this blueprint," I spoke, as I struggled to maintain my composure, "it bears a striking resemblance to the design created by my client, Mr. Liam."

I turned towards the jury, a who met my gaze as I presented my evidences.

"With your permission, Your Honor," I requested, "I would like to present the video evidence that proves Mr. Beaumont's guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt."

Mr. Beaumont looked confused along with attorney Mark. I smirked knowing that the ball was now in my court. Once the judge gave me the go ahead I played the video.

And as the video played, capturing Beaumont with a man paying him cash, it was the same man that went on to steal Liam's blueprint, I could feel the tension in the courtroom mounting.

Every eye was fixed on the screen, every ear attuned to the damning audio recording that accompanied the footage. The courtroom gasps and whispers could be heard.

"Now, let us examine the paper trail," I continued, my hands trembling as I presented the documents that corroborated Liam's claims. "These emails, contracts, and correspondence paint a clear picture of Mr. Beaumont's intent to deceive and defraud my client."

But before I could continue, Attorney Mark rose to his feet, his voice sharp and commanding as he objected to the presentation of the evidence.

"Objection, Your Honor! The attorney is attempting to introduce evidence that has not been properly authenticated," Mark argued.

I could see that he looked disheveled which pushed me even further to continue.

"With all due respect, Your Honor," I countered, my voice steady despite the nerves that threatened to overwhelm me, "the evidence I have presented is crucial to establishing my client's innocence. I urge the court to allow its admission."

The judge, after a brief pause, ruled in my favor, allowing me to proceed with the presentation of the evidence.

The jury along with the judge was taken aback by the evidence I presented and I knew they had been somewhat swayed by the unexpected evidence.

"In conclusion," I declared, my voice steadying as I addressed the jury, "the evidence before you leaves no room for doubt. Mr. Beaumont knowingly and willfully stole my client's intellectual property, and it is your duty to hold him accountable."

Then, to my astonishment Attorney Mark launched his most damning attack yet. "And what about your relationship with Liam, Ms. Quinn? Isn't it true that you're romantically involved with your client? How can we trust your judgment when your personal feelings are clouding your professional judgment?"

I felt a surge of anger rise within me, but I pushed it down, refusing to let it show. "My personal life has no bearing on this case," I declared, "But if Attorney Mark insists on discussing it, then I have evidence to present as well."

Upon the monitor showed a video of Mr. Beaumont with Alia. The woman who had secretly told the media that I was with Liam.

The entire room gasps, I smiled victoriously as I glanced towards Attorney Mark and Mr. Beaumont seemingly in a low argument.

"Innocent until proven guilty," I reminded the jury. "That principle applies not just to Liam, but to each and every one of us. Let's focus on the facts, on the evidence, and let's deliver a verdict that upholds the integrity of our justice system."

As I returned to my seat, the courtroom buzzed with murmurs and whispers. Attorney Mark appeared flustered, his objections overruled and his accusations countered.

"Your Honor, I demand a recess to review this so-called evidence presented by the defense," he insisted, his tone dripping with skepticism.

The judge, a stern figure presiding over the proceedings, leaned forward, his expression contemplative. After a moment of deliberation, he addressed Attorney Mark. "Counselor, I understand your request for a recess. However, I must remind you that this trial has already faced numerous delays."

I held my breath, praying that the judge wouldn't grant Attorney Mark's request. Every moment of delay felt like an eternity, prolonging the agony of uncertainty.

The judge continued, his voice firm. "Given the gravity of the case and the evidence presented thus far, I believe it is in the best interest of expediency to proceed without a recess. The defense has had ample opportunity to present their case, and I see no reason to delay further."

I smiled, everything was going exactly the way I wanted it to go.

As the trial resumed without a recess, I held my breath shakily, was this going to be my first win? My eyes caught onto Liam, his eyes twinkling proudly and I quickly looked away not wanting to get carried away.

Attorney Mark, though visibly frustrated by the judge's ruling, composed himself.

After hours of intense deliberation and impassioned arguments from my side and Mark's side, it was finally time for the judge to render his decision. The courtroom fell silent as he addressed the jury, his voice commanding attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," the judge began, "you have heard the evidence presented by both the plaintiff and the defense. It is now your responsibility to weigh the facts and come to a fair and just verdict."

My heart raced as the jury's deliberations began. Every passing second felt like an eternity, each moment filled with anticipation and uncertainty.

After what seemed like an eternity, the jury returned to the courtroom, their faces solemn but determined. The foreperson stood and delivered their verdict.

"We, the jury, find in favor of the plaintiff, Ms. Quinn," the foreperson announced, the words echoing through the courtroom.

Immediately upon hearing the news tears came to my eyes. I had finally won my first case!

Turning to Liam I took his hand in mine not wanting to start another rumor. He held my hand tightly, his baby blue eyes shining with pride. "I couldn't have asked for a better attorney,"

I smiled wildly, he believed in me even when I didn't myself, I wanted to throw myself onto him and do the most dirtiest of things with him.

Maybe I could do it later tonight.....just to celebrate our victory and our last time together.


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Unlawfully His✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora