Chapter 26

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A few hours passed by before Viggo came to join me.

"How are you feeling" asked Viggo.

"Oh, you actually care" I said looking at him.

"I'm leading of the dragon hunters y/n. I have stuff to do so I could come check on you sooner" said Viggo.

"It's not that. I don't care about that" I said turning to face Viggo.

Viggo was a little confused.

"Then what is it" asked Viggo.

I frowned at Viggo.

"Are you really telling me you don't remember having one the hunters about to burn Hiccup. You were going to burn my brother" I said.

"I was actually going to do it. I knew he would crack. Or you would of. Which ever" said Viggo.

I raised my fist to punch Viggo but put it down.

"You know, you said that I can trust you and that you aren't Tyran. Well how am I suppose to believe a word you say when you pull a stunt like that" I said.

Viggo said nothing as he thought about it. He does listen and seem to truly care. I'll give him that.

"Sorry" said Viggo.

Well damn, this man keeps surprising me.

"Thank you, but if you truly care about me then you can't go and do stuff like that. I care about my brother and my friends. So maybe you can try to understand that" I said.

"You're right" said Viggo.

He leaned on the rail next to me.

"I'm not use to being friends with someone from work. Especially someone who started out as a enemy. I'm learning" said Viggo.

I don't think I ever saw this side of Viggo.

"We all make mistakes" I said.

But if he does it again I'm not forgetting. Viggo and I were silent. I don't forgive him for earlier but I can understand what he is saying.

"I'm not exactly use to having friends either. Growing up it was just me and Hiccup. The others bullied us. Him more then me but that's probably because not many 12 year olds were trained to fight. Then after Hiccup trained Toothless and Berk changed the others became friends with us" I said.

I turned to face the sea again.

"They are my friends as well but with my age and the fact that Hiccup most of the time was babysitting me just makes me feel like I'm more of their friends younger sibling that's just there. I like the gang I just have a hard time feeling like I fit in" I said.

Viggo listened to my speech.

"I guess what I'm saying is I understand. I am friends with the riders but it doesn't change that I don't fit in" I said.

"Have you talk to them about it" asked Viggo.

I chuckled.

"No, it's useless. They wouldn't understand. I mean 3 years ago I was just a scared child that cried a lot and now I'm older but they are adults and I'm a teenager. I think I just need a vacation to Berk and hang out with people my own age" I said.

"I'm sure the riders don't see you as a little child y/n. You can shape shift in a dragon and I've seen the way you look at the world. I find you interesting" said Viggo.

"Thanks, I suppose" I said.

We were silent for a minute.

"Where did Sylvie go" asked Viggo.

"She's swimming in the ocean" I said pointing to the scauldron below us.

"Very well, glad she didn't run off" said Viggo.

I put my arm on the rail to lean on it.

"I know it's a few days till we get to the base but if you want I can have you work for the hunters a little. I can use your help with the Nadder migration" said Viggo.

"I'll have to think about it" I said awkwardly.

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