Chapter 15

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After I finally felt better I went back to work. I finished up and went to find Viggo to give him the list so he can check it. 

"So, do I get a break now" I asked. 

"No, you are a prisoner not a hunter. I need you to help Tora make a antidote for the dragon root" said Viggo as he checked the list. 

I groaned loudly. Viggo looked at me a little surprised. 

"I said to make a antidote for the dragon root" said Viggo. 

"No I know, it's just Tora. She hates me" I said. 

"It's not you she hates. Tora thinks that disabled people are equivalent to children and shouldn't be trusted with adult stuff like raising kids, marriage and relationships, being in depended. She feels the same about Hiccup" said Viggo. 

"WOW, merci, I feel so much better" I said sarcastically. 

"You speak French" asked Viggo. 

"I'm learning" I said. 

I crossed my arms. 

"Fine, I'll work with little miss Ryker's lover but I'll hate every second of it" I said. 

"Go ahead, after you finish I need you to do some paperwork for the coffee business" said Viggo. 

"Okay, I'll be back" I said. 

I went and found Tora starting a fire. 

"Hey, do you need something" asked Tora. 

I took a deep breath. Punching her in the face would be great but I'm still trapped here and she will probably cry to Ryker and then I would have him to deal with. 

"Viggo told me to come help you make a antidote for the dragon root" I said calmly. 

Tora looks at me like I'm not human. More like I'm a freak or something. Tora started the fire and stood up. 

"Okay, I need you to chop the flowers" said Tora as she gave me a knife. 

Wow, she actually trust me with a knife. I took the knife and started cutting the flowers to put in the antidote. I don't remember pink lily's being in the recipe. I saw Tora chopping some stuff as well. She had gloves on for the fire branch thingy. Wait a second, there is no lily's in the recipe. This brat, she had me chop flowers to keep me occupied while she did all the work. 

"Why did you lie" I asked as I put the knife down. 

"About what" asked Tora confused. 

"The flowers, you don't actually need these" I said. 

"I do need those lily's chopped for the recipe so get back to work please" said Tora. 

"There is no lily's in the recipe. It's bitterweed, purple oleander, water, and a firefern branch" I said. 

Tora looked up at me surprised. 

"Yes, I know the recipe" I said. 

Tora frowned. 

"Fine, go get some more purple oleander. Hopefully you get lost out there" said Tora. 

I turned and left. Normally I would be upset about a comment like that but the less time spent with Tora the better. 


After getting a map to Viggo's new base we went back to the edge. We will have to go tomorrow. It's getting pretty late. Hopefully (y/n) is there. If not then I have no idea where to look next. I made it to my hut and decided to do some laundry while dinner is being made. I went to (y/n)'s room and got their clothes as well. 

I noticed the alters on the table. I walked to them and saw some moldy berries. Probably needs to be cleaned. I took off the moldy berries and made sure the rest is clean. I don't know who exactly y/n has alters for. There is Loki and Thor but the rest y/n refuses to share. Probably because of that nightmare they had when they were 12 about a group called Christians. 

I decided to add a little pagan worship. And for any christians reading this I know there are good christians it's just I'm transgender and bisexual so the bible doesn't like me and I did grow up with the fear hell and the devil so I have some trauma but we won't have trauma in the book. Only mention the nightmare briefly and then never again. But you can worship which ever gods you want in this. In real life I'm exploring paganism so I worship Greek, Norse, and Egyptian. Now back to the story. 

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