Chapter 16

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I decided to leave a offering of some honey cake and to pray that the gods will watch over y/n and be returned safely. I feel like Loki is sitting next to me eating the cake. The door opened and Astrid entered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt" she said.

"No it's fine. I'm just praying to the gods. I just want them to watch over y/n" I said.

Astrid walked over and got on her knees next to me to join. We were silent for a minute as we prayed. I groaned.

"It just doesn't make sense Astrid" I said angrily.

"What" asked Astrid.

I stood up and walked to stand in front of Astrid.

"Viggo gave me a letter saying that he took y/n to keep and exchange for the dragon eye" I said.

"So" Astrid asked me to continue.

"So why hasn't he set up a meeting yet? I sent him a letter letting him know that I will talk to the others but I haven't got a single location or meet up or anything in responce from him" I said.

Astrid stood up.

"I'm sure Viggo is just busy. He is their boss after all. Plus he wants the dragon eye and needs y/n alive in order to exchange it" said Astrid.

I took a deep breath.

"I just wish I could see them. Or at least get a letter or something. Something so I can know they are okay" I said.

Astrid hugged me.

"Y/n will be fine Hiccup. We know where Viggo's secret new base is. We might see y/n when we go check it out tomorrow" said Astrid.

I closed my eyes and hugged back. I hope Astrid is right.


The rest of the day was work and then dinner before bed. Some of the hunters told stories before going to bed. I sat with Viggo as we ate breakfast.

"So, what do I habe to do today" I asked.

"Can you eat rocks" asked Viggo.

"In Gronkle form ya" I said.

"Very well, today I need you to collect wood and then help some hunters sort rocks" said Viggo.

"Okay, should be easy. Although I'm not a rock expert" I said.

Fishlegs knows more about rocks then me.

"But in human form you can't eat rocks" asked Viggo.

"I mean I could. It's possible but in human form not only is my stomach different but also the teeth. Human teeth would probably chip or something. Then I would need a dentist which seems scary" I said.

"Have you never been to the dentist" asked Viggo.

"I have, it's just scary because of chipping a tooth or something. Then I have to get it pulled or something" I said.

"That's fair" said Viggo.

I finished breakfast and stood up.

"Anyway, I'm going to get a head start on work. I'll find you when I collect the wood" I said.

I left and put the dirty dishes away before grabbing a sword. I need something to collect wood with. I spent a few hours collecting wood and branches. I should ask Viggo if he wants the leaves off or not. Leaves smoke like crazy in a fire. So it's good for smoke signals but I'm not sure about what Viggo will use it for. I heard Hiccup scream which surprised me.

"Hiccup" I said.

I looked up and saw Hiccup and Toothless fall out of the sky. I feel so many emotions I started to play with my hands as I watched. Hiccup and Toothless are here and I get to see my brother which makes me happy but they fell out of the sky like Toothless was shot down. I have to see if they are okay. Hiccup and Toothless crashed and I ran to find them.

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