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"Mmhmm?", Asteria passed her off and went to kiss Orestes again.

Eudora just stared in shock, wanting to look away because it was Orestes on the other end, but she couldn't, considering she stumbled into her cousin at the most inconvenient time. The night was still young so everyone else in the immediate surroundings paid no mind to the interaction between Orestes and Atsteria.

The female still holding onto Eudora's waist included. She stepped to the side blocking her view and tilted Eudora's chin up, staring down at her with an anticipating glare. She looked down at her lips but Eudora was definitely out of the mood.

"What was it you were saying.. Before we were rudely interrupted of course.", she leaned in for another kiss and Eudora shook her head and placed a hand between their faces.

"Why don't you..", she gestured her head towards inside, "Get me another drink, i'll be inside in a second."

Reluctantly she obeyed and smirked, squeezing Eudora on the hip one last time before walking inside. Once again giving full view to the frenzy that Asteria and Orestes were in. She scrunched her face and walked up to yank Asteria back by the hair on top of her head.

"Hey! Wait your tu-.", Asteria spun around and her eyes widened.

"I like my woman sane so ill pass.", Eudora raised her eyebrows. As Asteria was processing, Orestes was behind her and flicked his head back with a groan when he saw Eudora.

Even in the night, there was no masking those light gray eyes. Her sharp features and pale skin are enhanced by the moon's reflection. And of course, like the many times Asteria and Eudora reconnect, they took a moment to process but immediately shrieked and wrapped each other into a tight hug.

Asteria bounced into it, "Wh-.. What are you-.", she babbled trying to find the words, then falling out as if she was ramped up on sugar. Clear indication she isn't drunk yet. Asteria's last visit to her mother's island was nearly five years ago.

They sent letters non-stop but it wasn't the same.

"What are you doing here!"she bounced with excitement. They pair finally let go of each other and ignored the surrounding fae disturbed from their loud commotion. Eudora didn't care and shrugged off the stares. She smiled and whipped some of her curly strands over her shoulder as the wind carried the rest for her. Snow was still falling lightly outside but neither were the girls dressed for the weather.

"I have a gig every Solstice.", Eudora pointed to the pub. Asteria followed her movement to the small area on stage that showed briefly as a couple stepped out of the place. Asteria still held shock, her mouth agape slightly as she glanced back and forth between the pub and Eudora. Her eyes narrowed finally locking in with Eudora, completely uninterested in her partner who just gave Eudora a harsh stare.

"A gig? Every Solstice?", Asteria says slowly.

"Mhmm.", Eudora nods with a smile, still more happy to see her cousin than anything that the concept behind her being in the Night Court every solstice and not informing Asteria goes right over her head. She has her reasons of course. Because their mothers are so close, Eudora fears that Asteria would let it slip.

Not like Asteria would willingly tell her mother Nesta about her whereabouts. But if Eudora knows one thing is that Asteria has loose lips.

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