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Eudora unzipped a pocket from her bag and pulled out the letter focusing on the name of the hostile. She'd have to ask.

Eudora's boots muffled against the dirt ground as she approached what looked to be a jewelry shop. The mountains had a nip in the air, that she was thankfully prepared for as the warm jacket blocked her from the cold. That and the hair that covered her neck and added another layer of protection on her back.

A bell chimed as Eudora stepped into the shop, her eyes wandering over the very fine designs of earrings, necklaces. Deterring from the front counter where a female around her age looked to be in and out stocking some of the cases, Eudora saw a section of siphons.

She knew of them but this was the first time she'd seen them in person. Not helping herself, Eudora picked up the cool gems and rubbed her thumb along the snowflake obsidian piece. Of course it detached from a person of power hold no meaning except a pretty color,  but it represents the strength one can't hold themselves. Another part of the culture that Illyrians have.

"May i help you?"

Eudora turned, not startled from the new kind voice. She looked at the female's unclipped wings first. Not out of disrespect. But just confirming once again, there's no worry. Putting the jewel back into the pile, Eudora smiled.

"Uhh yes actually...", she looked down at the letter again, " You mind telling me where i can find the Shallows Tavern?"

The female's face contorted a little and hesitated with her answer. Her mouth fell open just a little as if she wasn't sure. "Shallows?"

"I think that's what it says.", Eudora smiled softly and leaned over to point to the wording on the letter. "Unless my vision is skewed.", she joked.

The female saw that she wasn't playing around and indeed the letter read Shallow. 

"Interesting.", was all the female whispered under her breath. She stood straight again and pointed east. "Well it's past the mountain and close to the Winterhaven camp-line."

Eudora thanked her for the directions and left the shop. She followed her directions and at the base of the mountain, the rowdy uproar of the males grew. She looked over to the disordered shack, finding it strange that there was no scent of alcohol.

She expected them having this much fun would come with shots, but that's just her perspective. But just as she was rounding the mountain, punching through the roars and cheers, Eudora heard a disturbed scream.

And what sprung her into a sprint towards the tavern wasn't the scream itself, but the voice behind it. Because through the heap of the male dominated voices... was a distressed cry from what sounded like a young female.

Eudora's bag hit up against her side as her feet stomped on the hard dirt terrain. She didn't realize how far she was until her run had to gradually shift into a sprint. Another ear piercing scream sounded and, Eudora was already at the shack, confused as why she was the only fae coming at the call of the helpless scream.

Her hair was wind swept, as she opened the door, it creaking at it's hinges. She was breathing heavily, her breaths coming out in small clouded tendrils of smoke.

There were roughly five sets of wings, in her way. Apparently none of the males were bothered by her swinging the door open. If Eudora thought she grew enough to match with anyone in the Prythian, all was debunked as she had to look up at the warriors that filled the space of the shack.

Fated  [Nyx Archeron x OC]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin