LXIX. Peer Pressure

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"I have an idea!" Brooklynn blurted. "You, you guys go on ahead! Trust me, go!"

Eva didn't hesitate to dart out the door and into the winter wonderscape on the other side. She furrowed her eyebrows, knowing damn well it was bright and sunny in the forest two minutes ago. It's one thing to change the biome, but to change the weather? She was more confused than ever, now. Still, she looked around in amazement.

"Oh!, it reminds me of winter in New York!" She cupped some snow in her hands, and despite the freezing temperatures, cupped the snow into a ball, then threw it at Kenji.

He jumped, looking around for the culprit.

Eva twirled around, her hands out in the open air and little snowflakes landing on her tongue. She clicked her tongue twice, then scrunched her face up. "This snow better not be poisonous," she retorted.

"I thought you said this was the way to the plane?" Yaz questioned.

"It is, after we get through this biome. It's cold, but still uninhabited, except for us. We'll be safe," Mae relayed, hugging her tablet close.

Kenji shivered from beside Eva, and without hesitation, she slid her hoodie over her head, offering it to her boyfriend.

God, she loved calling him her boyfriend. Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend.

He slipped the hoodie on— what was oversized for Eva fit Kenji perfectly.

"You sneeze or cough on this, I'm throwing hands," she said, half joking.


Eva grinned, then pulled him into a hug, all encompassing.

"And here I thought Nublar was the trippiest place I'd ever see."

"I am definitely not dressed for this," Ben said, shivering.

"None of us are," Kenji retorted. "And it's definitely not helping my cold."

"Awe, I wish I could make you soup," Eva cooed.

"Ah, who cares? I've never even seen snow before!" Sammy shouted excitedly. "It is stho pthretty!" She said, her tongue out to catch snowflakes.

"You do realize that it's Mantah Corp snow," Yaz said.

Sammy gagged, spitting out the snow.

"Yeah, pretty or not, none of us will last very long out here."

"Yes we will," Mae rebutted. "We've got these."

She motioned to two snowmobile type vehicles, but containing inside compartments like a car. Mae referred to them as gliders.

Brooklynn, Sammy, Kenji and Eva climbed into one as Yasmina, Ben, Darius and Mae climbed into the other. Brooklynn opted to drive, while Kenji and Eva sat in the back, keeping each other warm.

"Okay, at this rate, we might actually make that plane," Brooklynn grinned.

"Are you, s-sure the heat's turned up all the way?" Kenji shivered, pulling the hoodie tighter around his body.

"Just relax and think of someplace warm."

Eva offered her hoodie to Kenji, who carefully took it, pulling it over his head. Eva pulled her knees to her chest, then extended them outward over Kenji's lap. She snuggled into his side, wrapping her arms around his chest. Her torso ached some in the position, but she rather have Kenji warm than mess around with her cracked ribs. Kenji hugged her back, and thanked her, pressing a kiss into the top of her head.


Brooklynn stopped the glider beside Mae's, just behind what looked like a stegosaurus.

"Uh, I, I don't know what he is, but I'm, I'm pretty sure he doesn't wanna be here."

The dinosaur collapsed, and everyone was quick to jump out of their glider.

Eva groaned, watching them all gather around the dinosaur. Was this not the thing she expected— something to get in the way of the plane, and leave them stranded?

"He's going into hypothermic shock," Mae relayed. "I have to move him out of here somehow... or he'll die."

"What about the supply plane?" Yaz asked. "It's going to be here in less than an hour."

"Yaz is right. You kids take the gliders and keep going. I'll figure out a way to get Pierce back into the desert biome where he belongs," Mae said.

"Great, let's go!" Eva grinned.

"You can't just move a four thousand pound dinosaur by yourself."

"Darius, get in the glider. We're going," Eva said sternly.

Brooklynn shook her head. "How about some of us go ahead and stall the plane, and the rest of us can stay back to help?"

"No, the only way we'll move a dinosaur that big is with both vehicles. If we're gonna save them, we all have to help. We're in."

"No, we're not!" Eva blurted.

"Eva, we have to—"

"No! We don't, Darius. Why do we always have to be the ones to help the dinosaurs? Why can't it be someone else for a change?"

"There is no one else, Eva."

"This is so stupid," she muttered as she began walking away, her shoes crunching in the snow.

"Where are you headed?" Sammy asked. "Cause we should really be sticking together."

"I'm going to the supply plane so I can get off this stupid fucking island!"

"You'll freeze!"

"Then I hope it fucking kills me quickly," she snapped.

"Eva!" Yaz shouted, running after her. "Eva! Hold on, damn it."

Yaz planted her hand firmly on Eva's shoulder, turning her around to face her. Eva crossed her arms and pursed her lips, not at all happy with being stopped. "Eva, you can't just prance off into the distance. Not only do you not know the way, but you're wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts. You'll freeze before you even reach the airlock."

"I can't fucking do this, Yaz," Eva breathed. "I can't..." she sniffed, then rubbed her thumb against her nose, wiping the snot onto her shorts.

"I know, okay, I get it. Believe me, I get it. But I rather have you going through it with us, than alone and dead in a ditch somewhere. If we can't make the plane, we'll just... we'll have to find another way off the island."

"Easier said than done," she scoffed.

"Please, Eva. I can't let you go off to die. We have to stick together, all of us, or none of us will make it."

Eva rolled her eyes.

Yaz continued, "What will Brooklynn say when her best friend disappears? What will Kenji do when the love of his life is gone?"

"Stop trying to peer pressure me into not committing suicide."

"Is it working?"


"What can I say to convince you to come with us?" she asked.

Eva stared dead into her eyes and shrugged.

Yaz scoffed. "Fine, don't do it for yourself. Do it for your best friends, who are gonna beat themselves up about losing you for the rest of their lives. You don't have to like it, but you have to stick with us. The more time we waste you and I arguing, the worse chance we miss the plane. Please, Eva, please."

Eva rolled her eyes, muttering out a fine. Yaz thanked her, then pulled her towards the others.

"Eva's in. What should we do, now?"

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